"orange, berries, vodka, and cigarettes"

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(1st- I'm not even going say it from now on, it's always herus pov unless I type otherwise)

me, modeus, Cerberus, and Pandemonica are all traveling through a maze of Boulders and bone dudes until Cerberus perks up

"*sniff* *sniff* it smells like orange, berries, and vodka"

"That's gotta be Malina"

"She can act real tough, but she's sweet on the inside"

The hellhound(s) say, looking at me

"Thanks, cerb, could you take us there, please?"

"Sure thing!"

"For a favor~"


As Cerberus starts leading me and the girls to Malina, I feel modeus slowly start to rub herself on my neck, but I pretend not to notice it.


the scent of vodka and the faint sound of curses eventually becomes noticeable
To every one as we drew near until we found the source of these smells and sounds, a shack built comfortably into the side of the canyon wall.

"Hey cerbs, is Melina in there?" I asked The three dog girls, to which they curtly reply.



"We'd recognize that smell anywhere!"

I laugh lightly as you pet their heads

"Haha, thanks cerb," i say as I walk up to the door and knock, the other demon girls having got off my back to walk behind me.

The sound of glass clinking together and grumbling resounds from behind the door before it's opened by a demon with a rather sour expression, she looks me up and down with a blush on her face before looking into my eyes.

"Haven't seen your mug around here, you must be the human that's been raving like a lunatic about a demon girl harem I heard about" she says

"The one and only, speaking of, do you wanna join my harem? We offer pancakes, coffee, turn-based strategy, and sex" i offer

Malina seemed interested when you mentioned video games

"you play video games? Huh, you don't look like the kind of guy to come up with an even half-decent strategy"

I shrug "That's cause I can't, but I'm sure I could learn," i say as Malina ponders for a second.

"Fine, I'll join your harem, but you think of trying anything with me and I'll rip it off!" Malina threatens half-heartedly


You chuckle as you intertwine your hand with hers and guide her back toward the others.

Pandemonica slightly grimaces at me holding Malina's hand, but it quickly turns into a yawn as i kiss her and hoist her up onto your back.

I then look around and suddenly realize, i can't see shit! It's somehow already night so i look over to Malina.

"Hey Malina, this is embarrassing but do you think we could crash at your house for the night?"

Malina hesitantly nods

"Ok but I haven't cleaned in a while, so don't judge"

I chuckle, I'd be a hypocrite if I judged anyone based on how clean their house was

"Don't worry Malina, now let's go"

As i walk back to Malina's house i again realize, there are 7 bodies in total, and that's a small house, oh boy...

a harem to die for~ Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin