"i wouldnt have it any other way"

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...y/n closes his eyes, expecting the pain to kick in and his inevitable death. But instead, the opposite happens, all the injuries he sustained, his broken pinky, the bruises from a skeleton or two getting in a lucky punch, and the missing skin on his hands from punching all those boulders, all of them gone, the chains healed him instead of harming them, and someone other than him and his girls were surprised about this.

"WHAT?! WHY ARE THE CHAINS OF SUPERBIA HEALING YOU!" you look at the source of the yell, and you found her.

She was on top of the gate that lead to the mortal world, instead of the pristine white skin all of your other girls, she had smooth grey skin wearing a suit jacket that was ripped to expose her 6 pack, and a bra that didn't connect at the front, and on her bikini-like pants was a thick belt that had a pentagram medallion on a chain attached to it, currently she was holding a chain of Superbia while examining it nervously before she turns to justice with tears in the corners of her eyes.

"Justiiiiice, what's happening? The chains have never malfunctioned like this"

Justice laughs as judgment turns red.

"Hah, have you checked the sin counter?"

Judgment's eyes widen as she smiles at Justice.

"NO, I HAVEN'T YET THANK YOU JUSTICE" Judgment turns around and examines a dial on a machine that all the chains were connected to, speaking of chains, you pulled the one in your chest out because it was uncomfortable, to have something inside you, the only thing you want inside you is... anyways judgment suddenly yells in surprise.


the girls look at you surprised, they would assume that since you've traveled down to hell, for a harem no less, they thought you would at least have some lust or greed in you, but no, you were completely innocent.

Justice smiles as she pulls you into her, and subsequently, her beasts.

"You hear that taker? I knew you were special, Good on you"

"*muffled* thanks ice"

Judgment jumps down from the gate and walks over to you nervously.


you smile as you wave your hand.

"It's ok, you didn't hurt me and you're just doing your job anyways"

She blushes and looks away.


you look over to the gate behind her, and then back to her.

"... do you want to come with?"

Her eyes widen as she looks at you.

"WHAT? YOU- YOU CANT BE SERIOUS, RIGHT?" she looks away sadly and quietly says "You'd share a roof with an immortal avatar of pain, whose blood-sworn to murder thousands through torture?"

You smile as you hold your hand out.

" I wouldn't want it any other way"


She looks shocked as she unconsciously takes your hand.

"Wait, you're serious?"

You look at her and shake your head.

"Of course I am"

She just lets you guide her by the hand while she processes what you said, eventually, she smiles to herself.

As you approach the gate out of hell you look at everyone, you wouldn't admit it, but you were nervous, VERY nervous, but you steeled yourself before turning to everyone and giving them your best smile.

"Is everyone ready?"

They all nod to you, and then you step through the gate.

[Scene shift]

Inside of the original helltakers home, a portal appears, and out of it, you and your newly acquired demon harem step out.

<y/ns pov>

You look around and sigh in relief to see the helltaker's home instead of your crappy old apartment building.

"Alright girls, I'm going to make some pancakes and coffee, the rooms are upstairs, and the remote is on the couch, so make yourselves at home.

They all smile and nod their heads while they all walk off to do their own thing, pandemonica takes her suitcase of all her stuff upstairs after you kiss her head, modeus looks at your books and begins to read one, and Cerberus runs into your backyard, to cause chaos, Malina walks upstairs to claim her room, while zdrada smokes by the window, looking at the rain storm, Azazel joins pandemonica and Malina upstairs to find her room, most likely to continue her research, you guide Justice to the couch where judgment joins her and they put on a movie, and Lucifer joins you in the kitchen.

"You know, you don't have to help me, you can go find a room for yourself"

She smiles as she continues to tie the other apron on.

"Nonsense, I can't have my loyal husband doing all the work can I?"

You smile as you kiss her on the cheek.

"Thanks, Lucy"

"Yes yes, now let's get to work"

You don't know what will happen to you in the future, but you do know one thing.

You wouldn't have it any other way

821 words, and now for the best parts, slice of life and lemons! Maybe... anyways, I think I should clarify some things, though I'm not very good at describing stuff ima try it anyways

Most of the girls are taller, The only ones who aren't are Cerberus who is 5,8 and one other (g), but for the others, it's mostly a chin-to-breast kinda thing, and no your not that short, they're just tall, your around 5,10ish. Also, I have zero clue on how I'm going to write these lemons, but I think I'll find a way, anything you think I could do for future chapters or even stories go ahead, also two more things, one, I plan on adding 2-3 more girls, and also rate this chapter out of 13!

[P.s your an ab and breast man]

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