"flashback flackbangs"

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As taker as the other girls called him, led his girls through the puzzle that led to hells gate, the girls all thought about what has happened in the past week, a human broke his way into hell, traversed his way through lucifers puzzles, just for demon girls? They all couldn't believe it in fact, all of them have asked him several times if he was sure that, that was the only reason he was there, and every time he had practically given them the same answer.

[Flashback: ch 1-2: Pandemonica pov]

As I was resting on the back of the person who showed up out of nowhere and asked me to join his harem, it was a ridiculous idea, that was thought up by an even more ridiculous man.

'He couldn't seriously have traveled to he'll, specifically for a demon girl harem right?' I thought to myself, I couldn't answer that question, so I tapped on the shoulder my head wasn't resting on, he seemed surprised.

"Yes, pan?" He asked me, I was taken aback, the last time a soul had the nerve to call me by a nickname I broke every bone in their weak body, put them back together, then repeated the process over and over, however when he said it the only thing I felt was my core heat up and moisten, this man drove me crazy, I want him, I want to knock him out, drag him to my room, and force him to-

"You still there pan? If it's the nickname I'm sorry, I just thought since you are a part of my harem now, you wouldn't mind"

...nevermind, he is too nice to do that too, and if I'm being completely honest, I'd rather wait till we were back at his home, if we make it out that is.

"...no, it's alright, I was just... taken aback, anyways I had a question for you taker"

I could faintly hear taker sigh in relief, cute.

"Thank lucifer, anyways what did you want to ask me, pan?" He asked as he looked at me with that cute smile on his face.

"...I was curious what you actually traveled to hell for"

He looks at me confused.

"Haven't I already told you? I'm here for a harem full of hot demon girls,"

I sighed.

"I'm not convinced, I simply can't believe you'd send yourself to hell, a place full of pain and endless suffering, for no other reason than making a demon girl harem," I say while glaring at him, he merely smiled back, don't do that, you're gonna drive me crazy!

"Believe it or not that's all I came here for, I'm a selfish man with shallow wishes, im pathetic aren't I?"

I just stare at him for a good minute before sighing and digging my head back into the crook of his neck before Mumbling "...Whatever, if that's all you want, it's my job to help you get it"i tired saying nonchalantly, hoping taker wouldn't notice my smile and blush, however, i felt him chuckling to himself, to which I calmly responded with a sharp kick on the side, quickly silencing the laughter in the young man, or that's what should have happened, instead he just started laughing harder, and I found myself joining him, both of us laughing together

[End flashback]

Pandemonica smiles to herself as she remembers all the absurd interactions she's had with the man she's come to love.

Meanwhile, modeus is having a similar experience


[Flashback: ch 2-3: modeus pov]

It was only supposed to be a one-night stand, i would sneak in there, ride his massive dick like there was no tomorrow then id book it.

So what in the 9 circles am I doing?!

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