"justice served cold is just ice"

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This puzzle wasn't any more effective in keeping you from getting your next girl than any of the others were, some spikes that rose and fell into the ground every time you moved, a couple of skeletons, a couple of boulders, and the gate.

The only reason you took as long as you did (5 minutes) was that you had to look for that tiny golden key that was hidden within the puzzle! The spikes didn't bother you much, tho for some reason the girls winced and asked if you were ok, that left you confused, as you stepped onto another batch of spikes, letting the rise through your legs and feet painlessly and the girls wince with zdrada just laughing her ass off, you turn to them inquisitively.

"Hey, pan?"

Pandemonica drags her eyes from your impaled legs and looks at you with a worried expression on her face.

"How can I help you, taker?"

Stick two fingers up.

"I got two questions, first, why are you all calling me taker? My names y/n"

Pandemonicas worried expression slightly fades as she sees you talking with her so nonchalantly.

"We call you taker because it's short for helltaker, and helltaker kinda explains itself, it was a name we all agreed on, except for zdrada"

You look over to zdrada who just flips you off and takes another drag, as you just give her a kissy face and look back over to Pandemonica.

"Ok, now second question, why do you all wince when I step on those spikes? I mean, they don't seem to bother any of you"

She looks at you surprised.

"They aren't supposed to hurt you, they sap twice the amount of Will you usually would, and don't affect us since we're all supernatural, "

You stare at her with a raised eyebrow while Azazel starts listening in and writing about it in her notepad.

"...are you sure you don't feel anything when you step on those spikes? Not even a flinch?" Pandemonica asks, with a mixture of surprise and relief on her face.

"Nope, not even a tickle" you answer while Azazel freaks out in the background.

"humans' willpower not being sapped by hells spikes? Very interesting!" The curious angel exclaims as you and Pandemonica turn to her.

However, she's too distracted with whatever she's writing down so she doesn't notice your stares.

You turn away from her with a sigh then you smile at Pandemonica.

"Anyways, thanks for answering my questions pan"

Pandemonica looks back at you, you can tell however that she's getting tired again so you lift her onto your back as she suddenly asks.

"... how would you rate my advice since you've gotten here?"

You look back at her with a smile that you swear causes her to squint her eyes.

"I give you a 13/13! you've been perfect Pandemonica"

She smiles slightly as she begins to doze off"

"... a 13 huh?.. I've never gotten one of those *yawn* before.... z z z z"

You just smile to yourself as you finish navigating the puzzle, miraculously finding the key in a corner behind some rocks.

You insert the key you've gotten into the golden gate, and like last time, the gate just evaporates, as you walk past it you see another demon girl, she had Black aviators on and the suit was on her shoulders. You walk up to her, she hears you approach and turns to you, even though she's off by a couple of inches.

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