"curiosity killed the cat, but it sent the angel to hell"

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After everyone woke up and ate their pancakes, you and your harem continued on your journey across hell, modeus was hanging on your right arm with Zdrada smoking next to her, pandemonica was on your left with Malina, and Cerberus was chilling on your shoulders.

"Are we there yet?"

"I'm bored"

"I'm horny"

You picked up a round-looking rock and tossed it far behind you to distract the three dog girls.

"Quick thinking, smart" Pandemonica says next to you.

"Thanks, pan," I say as i kiss her forehead.

Suddenly, the pressure on my right arm increases, i look over to seemodeus glaring daggers at Pandemonica.

laughing a bit as i lean over and try to kiss modeus on the forehead as well, only for her to grab the sides of my face and slam her lips into mine while shoving her tongue into my mouth, not saying i didnt expect this but i was certainly surprised.

"Mmmm~" modeus moans into my mouth as we both wrestled for dominance, neither of us winning as me pull away from each other to see everyone glaring in envy.

"Don't worry girls, I'll give you all the kisses you want when we get out of here"

As i threw another stone, causing Cerberus to start running off once again, pandemonica pouted as we continued out journey

<timeskip brought to you by me>

All the girls were following behind me as I kicked rocks out of the way and punched skeleton dudes, I even found a golden key, I put it in my pocket as I continued navigating this puzzle.

As I turn the final skeleton guard into a pile of bones for Cerberus, I see a golden gate up ahead, I pull the key that I had previously placed in my pocket and put it in the lock, the key fitting perfectly, I turn the key and the gate disappears.

'Huh, ok' I think to myself as I round the canyon wall, suddenly a blinding light assaults my eyes before it dies down to reveal an angel jutting stuff down in a notepad as she inspects three tablets.

As me and the girls approach her she turns to us, her eyes widening when they land on me.

"Oh my, a living human in hell! What are you here for I wonder?" The angel asks as she inspects you

"I'm looking for demon girls" i bluntly reply, still kinda confused.

She suddenly walks up to me with stars in her eyes

" you too? What are you studying, thesis on modern sin? Or maybe demonology? We should stick together"

I laugh before giving her a mischievous smile.

"Neither, actually I'm studying demon sexology~"

Azazel tilts her head confused, clearly not understanding what you meant.

"Don't they reproduce the same way humans do? Wait please take me with you! I need to know!" She pleads while clutching your side.

"Only if you join my harem" you state bluntly.

"H-harem?! I- uhh- mmm- o-ok I guess, but o-only for the knowledge! 'And your cute face' " Azazel says, muttering the last bit to herself subconsciously.


"Nice, anyways let's head back to the others," you say while turning around.

"O-others?" Azazel asks while walking behind you.

"Yea, my other girls," you declare to Azazel.

"O-other girls? As in, demon girls?" Azazel asks, Feeling slightly angry for some reason.

"Yep," you simply say as the others come into view, cerberus ran over and slammed into your chest.

"It's master!"

"Hi, master!"

"Master we're hungry!"

You smile as you pet their heads.

"Be patient cerb, I'll make some pancakes in a bit.

Cerberus suddenly notices the angel behind you.

"Who is this master?"

"She smells weird"

"Is she an angel?"

Azazel is quick to introduce herself.

"Hi, Miss Cerberus! I am Azazel, and I am here to study demons!"

The three hellhounds start running circles around you and Azazel


"Do you wanna play?"

"Master I'm bored"

Your smile as you pet the three.

"We can play later, for now, let's get back to the others"

"Ok!" X3


Most of the girls were surprised at the sight of Azazel, but you explained what she was doing here and they all calmed down, right now your all just making small talk and getting to know each other more while Azazel trails behind you, studying how you and the girls interact with each other.

Suddenly zdrada blows some smoke in your face and cackles

"Hey nerd, why does Azazel call ya 'partner', you trying the dissect us or something?"

You internally grin as you look over at her.

"Not quite, but I definitely will be studying all of your insides VERY thoroughly~," you say as all the girls madly blush, clearly understanding your innuendo as Azazel just tilts her head in the background.

You continue walking for a while after that and eventually come across another puzzle...

836 words, rate this chapter out of 13 and I will explode

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