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~set to “Breakthrough”

"We are perplexed, but not in despair." ~2 Corinthians 4:8

"Then Jacob said, "O God of my father...Deliver me, I pray...for I fear..." Now when God saw that He did not prevail against Jacob, He touched the socket of his hip; and the socket of Jacob's hip was out of joint as He wrestled with him. And Jesus said, "Let me go, for the day breaks." But Jacob said, "I will not let You go unless You bless me!" ~Genesis 32:9 & 10, 25-26

These disappointments which I have received
Are they the fruit of the diligence I failed to keep?
Rushing, rather than resting in You alone
Have I, till now, run aimlessly and roamed?

I’m afraid to go forth, lest I fail again
For the wasted time and money I have spent
Are there any paths of faith that are ever clear?
Or signs, to those who wait, that You are near?

Do You bless because I walk in Your will
Or because I transgress, that Your covenant fulfills?
Have I ruined, that You are therefore redeeming?
A perpetual prodigal to be drawn back into the Shepherd’s keeping?

Have I missed Your destination due to the pursuits of my own journeys?
Or have You destined me to ever wander, that I may be ever learning?
Do You take pleasure in my failures and fallings?
Or are they the chapter You have written: To Surrender (again) To Your Calling?

You have commanded me to live in confidence & assurance
For if one would receive Your promise, one must need endurance
But how can I be assured that in You I am confident
When the fruits of my pursuits seem clearly evident?

O Lord, is this the time to cover regret with repentance?
Or to double-down in Divine & foolish confidence?
Is it humility to second-guess these paths I’ve roamed?
Or pure faith & hope to declare: “You lead and I do not go forth alone” ?


Truly You are God, Who hides Yourself!
Yet it is not in darkness but in unapproachable light You dwell
You have not spoken in secret, in the earth’s dark place
But You spoke and declared righteousness
When You said, “Seek My face”

“Surely, you are born of My Spirit
Like the wind that you cannot see yet can hear it
In returning & rest you shall be saved
In quietness & confidence shall be your strength

I will cause you to know the way in which You should go
As you lift up your soul to Me
I remember your affliction and know the way you roam
Let nothing deter or discourage you from pressing into Me

You ask, ‘Do You want me to succeed?’
But truly as I live: I will succeed in and over thee
For I am God; and there is none like Me
Who declares the end from the beginning
From ancient times, things that are not yet done
I earnestly remember you and My heart yearns for you, My son

There is hope in your future, says the Lord
Set up signposts, make landmarks
And to the highway, set your heart toward
Stand in the ways and see; ask for the paths of old
And when you walk in it, you will find rest for your soul

Remember My promises of your future I hailed
And My testimonies of your past
Search from My book and read: Not one of these shall fail
All have come to pass

Though My steward should wander in the desolate way
A youth to grow weary and faint
(Before the Ancient of Days)
Yet because he called on Me, I will answer him to bless
And deliver him out of his distress

For I am Everlasting; never fainting or wearying to renew
Be not afraid, for I perfect that which concerns My seed
I am greater than all, including you
Hear My voice and follow, for I go before
And lead.”

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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