A Life broken to Heal

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~set to “Nightride”; A declaration written in prayer, grace, and faith for God's path ahead)

“Then Ruth said, “Entreat me not to leave you, or to turn back from following after you; for wherever you go, I will go; and wherever you lodge, I will lodge; Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God. Where you die, I will die. And there will I be buried.” (Ruth 1:16-17a)

“Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life, will lose it...

        ...but whoever loses his life for My sake, will find it.” (Matthew 16:24-25)

~    ~    ~

I asked to be more like You 
To follow in Your sacrifice 
But am I willing to leave all 
And give up my life?

Breath to You I could yield 
And be cut down by blade's steel 
But would I walk in daily order 
To die daily and of torture? 

Immediate consequence I could have 
But not a death that lives till the last
To bear the night till light should come 
To uncover every weakness 
That victory may be won 

Many desires I long for 
What if I am called to leave them all 
For His cross? His war?
How could I not for what He did 
Bearing my disgrace? 
Bearing the eternal destruction of sin 
Of Adam's race?


Oh His music that burst forth 
When He played my keys!
The higher notes, the lower notes 
The happiness and the grief! 

What beautiful colors were blended 
From the lighter shades to the darker ones!
What comfort and healing ran o'er me 
When He shed His blood!

If it be from my broken body 
Or from my broken spirit 
Oh His music will spring forth 
And let all the nations hear it! 

Though His child dies in silence 
In loneliness and disgrace 
Upon angel's wings shall they enter 
Into His glory and grace

What little this child has 
He has made of much 
For our sakes He became poor 
That we might have His love 

How could I not give up 
One by one what I desire 
If it would save one precious soul 
Calling on His anointing to send 
His saving fire?

I am surrounded and very blessed 
And have not n'er begun 
To consider in bliss content 
That I have lived such love 

O God grant me grace to live 
To give up all I've laid within 
To give up both life and treasure 
If it be Thy greatest will
And pleasure 

I cannot and will never come near 
To becoming broken like You, my Dear
Yet may You use this mirror to reflect 
Not my life
But You who alone is perfect

A broken shard I am 
One in a million pieces to a frame 
When You bring Your Bride together 
The painting shall be done 
And we shall bless Your Name 

Shalom; Hallelujah

It is Your grace that gives me strength 
To speak this song of love and faith 
O when that time should come 
Help me and hold me
And guide Your son 

I bow my head to You Lord 
Knowing Your promise to lift me up 
You only empty me 
That You might refresh my cup 

If I was ever full 
And never poured out 
Would I not grow stale 
Trusting in self and proud?

Oh You give me strength to sing 
Your Spirit to make me alive
A peace beyond understanding 
And joy mysterious 
That causes me to thrive 

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