Marching to the Quiet Voice

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Help us God to seek You when we are not inspired
In the days when our hearts hold no desire
To seek Your strength and guidance when we are faced with big things
And rest content with thankfulness for what we consider "small blessings"

This world around me is great
Yet You are greater still
I acknowledge: You control my fate
In this world of pleasures, You alone fulfill

This life where we are doomed and bound by an eternal hunger
You alone can eternally fill and satisfy
You are beyond sufficient; an invisible Creator of visible wonder
The One who, in mystery, intervenes and makes the dead, alive

You looked upon the treacherous and despised his treachery
You regarded his blind estate and saw his need
And by Your hand and presence, the darkness was removed
The words of truth he had tried to dash in scorn, stood firm and proved

Like ground that is broken by the plow
So in mercy, Your Spirit broke his hardened heart
Your seed You caused to take root in his ground
Placing Your love and strength on him as a sign
That he was forever set apart

On Your cords of love, his tears fell in grief
And the jealous darkness sought to sow fear and unbelief
Yet it could not stay where You, O God, dwell
Indeed, it did not withstand but fled back to hell

Though gone is all fear and unbelief
The redeemed's praise remains
Never to cease

The man once treacherous, blind and lost
Now sees, is pure, and (by Your grace) takes up Your cross
He who was dead, You made alive
Never leaving but forever his guide

Though the tears are now gone
The wonderful mystery remains
Why He would forgive his wrongs
And cleanse every stain?

Forever, never ceasing
He is bound to a new destiny
He is bound to give his love
To the One who eternally loves
Though time continues on
None can give rest or make expire
The redeemed's praise and song

So as we lie down and embrace this gift of rest
That You, O God have, on us blessed
We thank You for Your patience as our Father
And confess our sin to be discontent and wander

O Heavenly Father forgive us, and help us to seek
Not for knowledge of the future, for You know our needs
But to seek and trust in You, to praise You for what You have blessed
"Our hearts forever remain restless, until they make You their rest"

So though all is quiet, I fill the silence with my thanks
For You hear, remember, and never forsake
Though I was faithless, being filled with my searching
Yet You remained faithful, in me, always working

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