The Time is, not now but,...wait

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The Time is, not now but...wait
For My ways are higher than your ways
My Word which has called you to wait
Is not sent to return to Me in vain

This call shall accomplish what I please
As rain that gives the sower his seed
So continue to joyfully receive My rain
Though the bud has not blossomed
Nor the door yet opened
Let My Promise assure you: You do not wait in vain

Lift up Your eyes to the stars; do I forget?
By the greatness of My power, not one do I miss
Your way is not hidden nor Your just prayer passed over
To those with no might I increase strength
And to the weak, I give power

Fear not for I am with you, nor be dismayed
Though you are poor and needy I will not forsake
On desolate heights I will open rivers and fountains in valleys’ midst
That you may consider and understand together
That I have created and done this

I have not purposed your ground forever to be broken
Nor fashioned doors to be kept closed, never opened
But I wait also that I may be gracious to you
For My Word is right; all My work is done in truth

Though you utterly fall, be weary and faint
In this wilderness of struggle to wait
I will remember the word
On which I have caused you to have faith
And as You wait on me, I will renew your strength

And it will be said in that day:
Behold, this is our God
We have waited for Him and He will save us
He will keep me in perfect peace because in Him, I trust
Though the Time is, not now but,...wait
I will know that He is in my midst
That He is God and there is no other
And I shall not be ashamed

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