It's ok

555 28 14

Gracie's POV:
At her response, I felt the breath sucked out of my body. Frozen in shock, from the fact that not only did I fall onto her, but the recognition that somehow a child was working for the tour. A child, with the responsibilities of grown men and women who have done this on more occasions than this.

It was more than just a question of how she got here now. It was a who let her in, why did no one stop her, and how did we not know. The process to working this tour was rigorous, specific. We had to ensure the safety and privacy of Al those involved in making this happen. So, I don't get how. There's got to be more to this than simply lying on a form. The meetings. The interviews and background checks. It doesn't make sense.

I was pulled from my moments of shock at the sound of soft sniffles. Looking back to the girl- to Kenna, I saw the tears slowly rolling down her cheeks. The worry, the fear, the pain ever so present in her eyes. It's as if I unlocked a whole nother side of her. And for the first time, I could truly see how vulnerable she was.

'Hey, babes, you're not in trouble.' I reassured her, slowly rubbing circles on the back of her hands. I didn't expect her to respond, obviously distressed with all that had happened already.

So the sound of her voice surprised me, 'I'm not?'

'No, honey. You're not in trouble. But I am proud of you for telling me the truth. I know it's scary.', I told her, not missing as her cheeks flushed the most adorable rosy color. I have no clue where all the maternal instinct came from, or how I seemed to actually know what to say. Though, I credited it with the feeling of protective news that hadn't left since the moment I saw her as I lifted my body off of her own.

Something about how small she seemed and the fear and uncertainty I saw in her just clicked in my brain, telling me to look out for her. I had no idea why she was here, and could barely tell who she was, but I wanted to know her and show her how harmless the world could be. You know, just to foster the innocence I saw in her.

She was like the little sister that I always dreamed of having. Yeah, so growing up with two brothers definitely makes you treasure the females in your life so much more.

'Why don't we get you off that leg first and then we can talk some more?' I suggested, earning myself a hesitant nod in return. I smiled softly, standing up as I backed away a little. I watched as she tried to make her way over to the table, and despite my urge to just help her, I didn't want to push her too much. Though, I still made my support obvious as I moved with her, my hands ready to reach out if needed.

She reached the table, gladly leaning against it for support. The trouble only came when she tried to get on it, her injured leg and size not playing to any advantage. She buffed in annoyance at her struggle. I wasn't expecting her solution though, as she turned to me. Her eyes pleaded for help, but the fear of asking shined through.

'Do you want some help, babes?' I smiled softly, the smirk of amusement tugging at the corner of my lips.

She sighed pouting, as she nodded turning towards me. I smiled bigger as I carefully lifted her onto the table, ensuring I wouldn't scare her. She tensed for a moment, before relaxing. I was glad that she seemed to be growing gradually more comfortable with me.

'So, I know you don't want to, but I need to know how you're here. It's not your fault, you're not in trouble, I just need to be able to see where we go from this.' I explained, hoping my clarifications proved to be some form of reassurance. She kept her eyes trained on the floor, obviously finding it far more interesting than our conversation.

'Please, kid. I'm not trying to get you in trouble, this is for your safety.' I pushed.

At the mention of safety, she seemed to pause. Her body stilled as if it was the most important thing in the world, and any movement would startle it.

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