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Gracie's POV:
I'm not sure what I used to think, but there's nothing quite as heartbreaking as listening, witnessing, feeling a child break down. The full body shudders as they cry their pain out, while still trying to suppress the sound of their sobs.
The shakiness in each breath between as they attempt to gather some oxygen back into their lungs. The way they grip onto whatever is closest in order to form some tie to the reality they're in.

Yet somehow it's even more difficult to listen as those deep cries turn to sad sniffles. Rubbing Kenna's back and holding her as I felt her unsteady breaths tickle my upper chest was all I felt capable of. With her head tucked into my neck and her body practically relying on me to hold her upright, I was at a loss. Sure I had comforted friends through heartbreaks or the loss of a family member but this felt so very different. It was different, I knew that, but I didn't expect it to feel so foreign.

I waited for her grip on my shirt to loosen a little before I tried anything. I wanted to ensure that she was ready to talk or to at least interact.

'Baby?' I inquired, carefully pulling her from my body so I'd be able to see her better.

She kept her head down, seemingly unresponsive to my attempt.

Reaching my finger under her chin, I lifted it to get a better look at her now tear-stained face,'Kenny?'

Finally she made eye-contact and I took in her appearance. Her eyes were swollen, cheeks too. Her face was red and splotchy, and sticky, obviously irritated by the immense amount of tears that once covered it. She looked so young, so fragile. It was as if I could see right through her, and, in a certain sense, I could.

'Do you feel a little bit better now that you've released some of that tension you were carrying?' I tried to word it in the most careful manner, watching as she slowly nodded her head, before moving her hand to rub her eye.

Gently grabbing her hand and holding it in my own, I stopped her, 'Let's not do that. Your eyes are already pretty agitated and we don't wanna make it worse. Plus, it's not good for them.'

She sighed, nodding, before leaning back into me.

I kissed her head, realizing how tired she probably was, 'How about we get you cleaned up a little and go from there?'

Without any response from her, I slowly stood up, supporting Kenna as she climbed onto me. Making eye contact with Phoebe from across the room, I gave her a nod and a sad smile assuring her that she was ok even though not fully.  She sent a small smile back as I turned to walk toward the bathroom attached to the suite. Closing the door behind us, I set Kenna on the counter top as she continued to hold onto me.

Slowly I pulled away to get a damp paper towel so I could wipe her face. She didn't say anything as I gently wiped the mix of dried and fresh tears, rather she just stared ahead.

'You wanna tell me what's on your mind, Ken?' I asked hoping to fill some of the silence. She didn't even seem to acknowledge my question as she continued her empty gaze on the wall.

'Am I safe?' I heard her small voice. It was wavering slightly almost as if she'd been hesitant to say it for a long time.

I furrowed my eyebrows at her, 'You'll always be safe here.'

I counted on the fact that she'd attribute 'here' to the reference of my presence, well Taylor's presence. I'm not sure there's anyone safer that exists. It's crazy how her presence makes such a big difference in the face of thousands of people or dozens of paparazzi.

'Not forever.'she mumbled while looking to the ground.

I don't think she realized I heard her, so I took a moment to watch her as she began to pick at her fingers. I was beginning to notice that it was a bad habit of hers when she was thinking hard or when something was overwhelming her. I took account of the sadness evident in her tone and debated on the true purpose of her statement.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2023 ⏰

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