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Gracie's POV:
Phoebe opened the door fully and I watched as Henry came into view. Though my attention was distracted as I felt Kenna subconsciously leaning into me as I stood beside the chair. I looked at her with her face pressed into my side as I felt her right-hand grip onto my shirt, her left playing with the end of it in front of her.

Phoebe looked at us then back to Henry, 'Henry, this is Kenna and you already know Gracie.' she gestured at us,' Kenna, this is Henry. He's Taylor's head of security and her head bodyguard.'

Kenna spared him half a glance, stuck in her head as she leaned into me. I looked at Phoebe as an awkward silence filled the room.

'Hey, kid it's nice to meet you. Some of my team and I have been awarded the task of ensuring a very important girl is safe tonight as she gets around. You wouldn't mind helping us with that, right?', Henry spoke filling the previous tension in the air. He's very kind for someone with such an intimidating stature. A tall, bulky man who's simply a teddy bear when you know him.

I looked at Kenna as he addressed her, the feeling of her grip tightening as he stepped into the room to gesture towards a few men that accompanied him. It seemed to click in her mind that the 'important girl' was her earning Henry the other half of the glance he was originally spared.

'The rest of Henry's crew is currently searching the stadium for him. And Henry's been sure to alert all other crew members and staff to keep an eye out. He's just here to keep an extra close eye on us so you know you're safe.' Phoebe explained.

'Exactly. Ms. Swift is very specific on ensuring everyone is safe, especially you.' Henry added.

I smiled at him and Phoebe. It was no shock they could tell how unsure Kenna was. Her incredible avoidance of all eye contact, death grip on my shirt, and stiffness were ever-present.

'So, you all ready to head out? The suite is already guarded for safety precautions so we just gotta get there.' Henry asked.

Phoebe looked at me, motioning that she was ready. Then, she and Henry moved to stand in the hallway. So, it was just my job to make sure Kenna was. I pulled away causing her to startle back to reality at the motion.

She looked at me with a mix of confusion and what I, unfortunately, saw as hurt spread across her features. I ignored my growing concern for the moment as I leaned down to be level with her.

'You ready to go?' I asked. She looked at me unsure of what to say.

I sighed, 'I'll be with you the whole time. I've got you. Remember what we've told you, you're safe, Ken. Nothing's gonna happen to you. I won't let it.'

It pained me to have to say that. Every time I had to assure her felt like a piece of my heart was shattering. No eleven-year-old, no child, no person should have to feel the way she does. The fear. The pain. Any of it.

Her small voice broke me from my thoughts as she questioned something I couldn't make out.

'What babe?' I asked brushing her baby hairs behind her ear.

She hesitated a second, whispering out as she played with her hands, 'The whole time?'

Confusion filled my mind, 'what?'

She sighed, looking at me, 'The whole time.'

She said it a bit louder obviously upset that I was answering her question. Though I think she was just overwhelmed by the whole situation and my lack of understanding was putting might stress on her mind. Her exasperated expression plagued my mind. Then everything seemed to click.

'I'll be with you the whole time. You're not leaving my sight.' I told her, 'I promise.'

I couldn't help but watch as she looked down at my words, 'Promises are bad.'

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