I trust you

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Kenna's POV:
As the lady- Taylor walked out, Gracie turned to me. She looked over me for a second as if she was studying me, looking for any changes.

'You ok, Ken?' she asked as she knelt in front of me. I nodded my head unsure of what I felt.

It was weird. On the one hand, I was terrified, he was still here running around in search of me and I knew if he found me I'd be dead. A goner. But on the other hand, I felt like I could trust every word these women were telling me. Maybe it was the way they said it, or the way their actions showed their intentions, harmless. Even their touch confused me, I wasn't terrified of it in fact I think I liked it, maybe even wanted more. Did I crave it?

The whole thing was confusing because he'd told me countless times that no one could know our little secret, yet Taylor did. She figured it out before she even saw my face. How could it be a secret? Why did it need to be?

I was so convinced that everything he did was justified because he was an adult that I think it blinded me from the reality that all those families I'd seen in the audience of these shows and others, at the beach, or when the crew went out places were nothing like this.

I used to watch as little kids ran to their parents when they were hurt, tears streaming down their faces wiped away by the comforting touch of an adult they confided in. The way they'd happily tell them everything that happened or how excited they were. It confused me. They all seemed so happy.

If I had ever gone to him crying, he wouldn't tolerate it. things would end badly. Though, he was the reason for most of my tears. I couldn't cry in front of him, it made me weak, a baby, I'm not a baby. I need to grow up.

The only thing I know I feel is conflicted. I want to trust that they are right when they say I'm safe, safe with them, but I feel as though I shouldn't. He's said similar things to what they have. There's only two differences though and that's the way they say it and the actions that follow. Should I trust them for that? Do I already trust them?

A soft hand brushing my hair away from my face distracted me from further spiraling with my thoughts.

I look up meeting the gentle, hazel-eyed gaze of the brunette in front of me, 'Hey, it's gonna take a minute for whoever Taylor sends to get here. Can I do your hair to resolve whatever craziness you have going on right now?'

She lifted the end of my mess of a ponytail, displaying just how disheveled I probably looked as she spoke. I looked down slightly, unsure of how I felt about her offer. Everyone who's ever done my hair before made it hurt so bad, me included, mostly me. I don't know what it is but a brush is no friend of mine, not that I have any friends to compare to it. Something about children spreading rumors.

'I promise I'll be gentle. I love doing other people's hair. I'd like to think I'm pretty good at it.', she said trying to meet my eyes. I glanced at her for a moment, before nodding. I didn't want to make her upset with me. She's been so nice.

'Great, so can we move you over to the vanity chair, or do you wanna stay over here?' she asked. I weighed my options, enjoying how comfy the couch was, it was nicer than anything I've ever felt before.

'You'll be able to see what Gracie is doing in the chair.' the other girl, Phoebe spoke up. She had a point. Reluctantly I decided to leave the comfort of the soft seating, opting to sit in the chair. Gracie looked at me as I pointed towards the chair, making my choice known.

Once she helped me settle onto the seat, I was happy to find it still more comfortable than my normal options. I let my hands rest in my lap as I played with them. I felt a hand on the left side of my waist and looked into the mirror to see Gracie leaning over the short back of the chair, her other hand resting on the arm of it beside me. Her face was practically next to mine as she leaned forward.

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