By the way

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Kenna's POV:
I was in shock of the moment's sudden change of situation. Doing the only thing I could think of, I found myself fighting with the door handle, though to no resolve as it barely seemed to budge. Knocking on the door, I was helpless to any of way out of the situation. Alone, with the only two people who had seemed to show any form of trust I could hold them to on the other side of the door, or possibly farther away.

'Hey, you're not supposed to be in here?', came a questioning voice behind me. It sounded soft.

I debated not turning around as the fear of whoever was in the room coursed through me. Though, I remembered a lesson hard-learned: Never leave your back open. It's easy to fear what's behind you if you never see it coming. Seeing is sometimes the only thing that can remedy a tough situation.

As I turned to face the unknown, the once forgotten pain in my leg made me wince. And despite all efforts to cover the pain, the small sound was clear through the silent air that filled the room.

The gasp of realization followed quickly after, 'You're the girl that Gracie fell on.'

Clueless of what to do, the quietness resonated in my nature stayed present. I didn't even find myself nodding my head in confirmation.

'...and you're not supposed to be on that... broken leg?', she, I had determined, continued, 'I'm sure it hurts, whether you're keen to admit it seems unlikely.'

I once again relished in my silence, maintaining my gaze locked on the floor beneath me. I had found the beige bandage and padding rapped around my injured leg far more interesting than ever before.

'Hey, look, I don't know what those two adult children are up to right now, but I'd be much more comfortable if we got you off that leg while we waited.' She said inching her way towards me. Her gentleness was concerning, yet confusing and comforting, maybe?

Something about her, regardless of my lack of visual, radiated a kind energy that you just wanted to absorb you whole. Like it was a light that could shield you from all the darkness in the world.

Her larger steps toward me are what pulled me from my thoughts. I tensed, on instinct, backing into the door. Which of course, resulted in a stifled whimper of pain as my back hit harder than expected.

'Honey, I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm safe. I mean you're safe. I promise.' She breathed out, pausing her movement, 'I would never hurt you or anyone. No one here will-... anymore?'

She sounded more like she was questioning her accuracy than the actual statement itself. She couldn't know. There's no way. Right? She hasn't even seen my face. How could she?

'I just wanted to help you to the couch over there. I'm quite positive if you're not meant to be standing on that leg, then you're definitely not supposed to be walking on it.', she explained, surprisingly easing my mind of the worries over her actions.

I looked to my right and sure enough the aforementioned couch sat against the wall. It looked super comfy. More comfortable than anything I'd ever seen. A simple black couch with a blanket across its top and two pillows laid in the corner of each side, well three if you count the cat pillow in the middle.

I decided to try my luck, slowly moving towards the couch on my own. It hurt. A lot. But it was manageable. Key word, was. I misjudged how far the walk was with my small legs and the steps I took. Before I could even reach the small table in front, a slight misstep- misstep may be a bit of a stretch, but I wasn't gonna admit of a sharp pain, even in my head -threw me off balance.

I closed my eyes in anticipation for the second hard fall of the night and the pain that would ensue. Though when it never came, I finally registered the hands holding me up.

I'll Pick You UpOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora