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The sensation of waking up in the heart of an uncomfortable silence is quite peculiar. It felt as if I was a bird that had fallen asleep mid-flight, only to wake up and find that I was still soaring, yet the air around me had grown still and unnervingly quiet, as if the world itself was holding its breath.

I opened my eyes, finding myself in the same spot where I'd drifted off, curled into Colt's couch. To my right, Sterling sat rigidly, his eyes focused on the ground in front of him. To my left, Colt was perched on the edge of his seat, his hands clasped tightly in his lap, his gaze darting between me and Sterling.

"I'm sorry," I said, sitting up slowly. "I didn't mean to fall asleep."

Sterling turned to me, his face wearing an odd expression that I couldn't quite place. "It's okay, Dahlia. You needed the rest."

I nodded, rubbing my eyes as I tried to make sense of the tense atmosphere. A thought crossed my mind, and I glanced between Sterling and Colt, suddenly feeling a pang of guilt.

"I didn't mean to leave you two alone," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "Must have been a bit awkward..."

Sterling shook his head quickly. "No, Dahlia, it's not that."

I looked at Colt, who mirrored Sterling's sentiment with a curt shake of his head.

"Then what is it?" I asked, growing more anxious by the second. "Why are you both looking at me like I'm... like I'm about to have a heart attack?"

"Dahlia, nothing happened," Sterling assured me, his voice firm yet gentle. "We were just... talking, that's all."

But something in his eyes told me otherwise. They were carefully guarded, hiding something he didn't want me to see. I glanced at Colt, who was avoiding my gaze, and I knew there was more to the story.

"I know when you're lying, Sterling," I said quietly, my gaze piercing into his. My words were the same from the first week we met and they were echoing in the air around us. "Tell me what happened."

He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Erik called again, Dahlia."

My heart dropped. Erik. Just hearing his name made my stomach twist. "Did you... did you talk to him?" I asked, my voice lowering just slightly.

"No, we didn't answer," Sterling assured me. "But he called multiple times."

I frowned, a cold shiver running down my spine. "Why would he do that? What did he want?"

"Dahlia..." Sterling hesitated, his eyes meeting mine. I could see he was holding something back.

"You promised," I reminded him, my voice barely above a whisper. "You promised you wouldn't lie to me, Sterling."

He hesitated a moment longer before finally nodding. "He... he sent a text, Dahlia."

My heart pounded in my chest, my hands balling into fists in my lap. "What did he say?"

Sterling hesitated, looking pained. "He said... 'Leave her alone.'"

A chill ran down my spine, the words echoing in my head. Erik's words. Erik's threat. It was like being plunged back into the icy waters of my worst nightmares. His voice, his touch, his oppressive presence, it all came rushing back.

"I see," was all I managed to say, my voice stronger than I felt. But inside, my mind was spiraling. What he want from me? What more could he take from me? He already had Daisy.

What more was there?

"Don't worry," Colt told me, and he attempted to smile at me, but it fell rather flat. It didn't meet his eyes.

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