Chapter one - Felix

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I stalked into the house and slammed the door, my boyfriend trailing behind, looking shocked and angry.

"Lix-" he called.

I stormed into my room and threw my bag on the floor, my hands shaking with anger.

"Stop!" Hyunjin said, following me. "Stop acting like this and calm down-"

"What, did you think I would just look away and act like nothing happened? You cheated, you-" I called my boyfriend a bunch of inappropriate names.


"Don't 'baby' me, Hyunjin."

"It's not what it looks like-" Hyunjin tried, but I cut him off.

"'It's not what it looks like'? Really? 'Cause it looks like the man I love was kissing a woman who's been flirting with him for years." I laughed without humor. "What am I supposed to think here, Hyunjin? I gave you everything, and you threw it away. I let the ghosting slide, ignored the lies you told because you weren't ready to talk, even watched you change into an insecure guy unsure about his future, and yet I stayed with you. But this? Seriously, Hyunjin?"


"No! I don't owe you anything! I never did."

"Well maybe if you hadn't run off and ditched me-"

"That was in high school, Hyunjin! I thought we resolved that after you nearly destroyed my relationship with my sister!"

"Let me talk!" Hyunjin screamed, before sinking onto the bed. "Please... let me talk."

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "Fine."

"I was talking about today. You left and she saw it as an opportunity, I guess. I didn't cheat. She- she kissed me. I shoved her away, but you had already left. You know she hates you. She wanted to break us up. I swear, baby. I would never cheat. And definitely not on you. I love you. And you're right, I am insecure. But you know me better than anyone, Lix. I would never intentionally hurt you. I'm sorry about the ghosting and the lies, but you didn't help things by ignoring me all the time. This is as much your fault as it is mine."

I sighed with frustration. "You know what? I don't care. I'm done with this."

"With what?" Hyunjin asked, his voice rising.

"With you! With us! With her! With everything!" I shouted, running a hand through my hair angrily.

"What are you saying, Felix?" Hyunjin yelled.

"I'm saying we're done! There's no more you and me! There's you... and there's me. We're over, Hyunjin."

There was a silence before Hyunjin angrily took his promise ring off. "You said we were forever! That's what these rings symbolized!" he cried, pointing to the silver ring engraved with our initials that matched my ring exactly. We had gotten the rings when we were fifteen and had first started dating. "I guess you didn't mean it."

I sighed, not knowing how to respond. "Hyunjin-"

"No. No. I tried, Felix. I really did. I know I messed up, even if it wasn't my fault. But you can't accept that. So you can take your rings and your promises and your love back. I want none of it."

He threw the ring on the bed and stormed out of the room.

"Fine!" I shouted after him. "I hate you, Hyunjin!"

"I hate you more!" came the response before the door slammed shut and he was gone.

Two years have passed since the fight with Hyunjin. We never speak. It's been well over a year since we've even seen each other. I didn't tell anyone about the breakup. Who would I tell? Hyunjin had been my only friend. After he left, he came back and took his things out of my house, and since he bought them, he took the promise rings. I think he threw them out.

I eventually moved on and befriended some guys in my college class, including Changbin and Minho. But sometimes at night Hyunjin's face fills my head, and I hope Hyunjin's heart aches as much as mine does.

"You're day-dreaming again, Felix." Minho says, snapping his fingers in my face.

"What were you thinking about?" Changbin asks, looking up from his computer where he's designing music on an app.

I sigh, still not ready to talk about it. "Nothing."

They know better than to press me.

"We should head out to a club," Minho says, changing the subject.

"Why is it when Felix is upset you want to head out to a club, but when I have a performance you refuse to go?" Changbin complains.

"I go!" Minho argues.

"Only because your boyfriend's on my rap team!"

"I still go." Minho mutters before turning back to me. "What do you say, Felix?"

I sigh, trying to not smile. "I'm not upset," I feel the need to point out.

"Doesn't matter. Want to go see 3RACHA perform?"
"Sure, Minho." I give in, even though I know it will be fun.

"Great! We'll see you later, Felix."

"There he is!" Changbin calls. "The star of the show!"

I shake my head and laugh. "You're awful," I say.

"I know." Changbin winks.

"Hey, baby!" comes a shout.

Minho grins and turns in time to be enveloped in a hug by his boyfriend. "Jisung-" he starts to complain.

Jisung pulls away, laughing. "Hey, Felix." he says, hugging me as well.

"Hi, Jisung." I grin.

Chan jogs over and nods to Minho, who avoids contact of any form unless it's from Jisung or he feels comfortable enough at the moment in question. Minho salutes back.

Chan rolls his eyes and hugs me. "How's my Aussie bro doing?" he asks.

I laugh. "Good. I'm excited for tonight's performance."

Changbin smirks. "You better be. Hey, Jeongin!" he calls.

A boy a bit younger than me runs over and quickly hugs Changbin and Chan. He bows to the rest of us.

"Hi, I'm Jeongin." he smiles cutely.

I smile, immediately comfortable with him. "I'm Felix."

"Minho," Minho says.

Jisung nods at Jeongin. "I'm Jisung. But you can call me J.ONE."

Jeongin grins. "I'm a fan of yours. So are my two best friends."

"What about us?" comes a voice that causes me to stiffen.

Please don't be him, I silently beg, Anyone but him.

"Hey, Seungmin." Chan says, hugging the younger boy.

Jisung and Changbin do the same. Minho nods at him and introduces himself.

I start to introduce myself as well, but then my eyes find the boy who spoke first.

The boy stares back at me, his face portraying an array of emotions: shock, anger, betrayal, joy, pain. Finally it settles on cold indifference.

"Lix." he says coldly.

"Lix?" Minho repeats, equal parts amused and confused.

I stare back at the boy, anger forming in my chest. "Hello, Hyunjin."

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