Chapter eight - Hyunjin

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"We're here, we're here, we're here!" Felix cries, bouncing in his seat.

I laugh. "Calm down, Lix. We still have to land."

Felix stills, but he can't stop grinning.

The plane finally lands and we go through the whole airport thing.

Felix quickly rents a car and drives us to his parent's.

He's so excited, I expect to leap out of the car immediately, but instead he parks and turns to face me.

"Breaking up with you was stupid," he whispers. "And I didn't realize how happy you make me. I- I was wondering..."

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out two rings, both very familiar. I gasp.

Felix offers me a ring. "If you accept this, it binds us together. We promise to never cheat, to be 100 percent faithful. We promise to always love and cherish each other. Do you accept?"

I manage to not laugh. "Of course I do!"

I slide the ring onto my finger, the familiar coolness of the metal and the engravings on the inside a relief after spending two years wearing it in secret.

"I love you, Lix," I whisper, kissing him gently.

"I love you, too."

We get out of the car and I take his hand in my own. We walk up to the front door and Felix knocks.

Suddenly his eyes widen. "Oh, wait! I forgot to tell you that-"

The door swings open to reveal a woman with Felix's dark brown hair and brown eyes. She looked mildly annoyed to be bothered. Felix lets go of my hand quickly, holding them out in jazz hands. I step out of his family's line of sight so they only see Felix.

"He- Oh my god, Felix?"

His mom puts her hands over her mouth in shock. She has a very noticeable Australian accent, but I don't know why I'm surprised.

Felix grins nervously. "Hi, Mom."

Felix pulls her in for a hug. She squeezes him before finally letting go.

"What are you doing here?"

"Surprise? It's a long story. I was in America-"

"Why were you in America?" his mom interrupts, reminding me that she's fluent in Korean.

"To see Hyunjin."

"Who's Hyunjin?"

"You never told her about me?" I protest, stepping forwards.

Felix looks guiltily at me. "I tried to warn you before, but she opened the door. I sorta forgot to tell them, and then by the time I remembered I was worried they would be mad I kept it from them."

"So, let me get this straight," I say, shocked, but Felix interrupts.

"You aren't straight, love."

"Neither are you," I point out.

His mom's eyes widen. "Excuse me?"

Felix ignores. "I should hope not. But continue with your recap."

"So you ask me out after five years, don't tell your family you're dating me, move in with me, still don't tell them, break up with me, get back together with me after two years, and are just now telling your family?"

"Technically you moved in with me, but otherwise, yeah."

"Please fill me in here," Felix's mom pleads.

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