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Thank you to those who read each chapter without a fail and always vote and comment making my day❤

Mayuri's pov
I laughed loudly as rukmini bhabhi explained me how kanha and rajkumar arjun abducted her. For that he dressed up as a woman named brihannala.

"And you know what after seeing arjun my brother rukmi was-" she stopped at the mention of rukmi and suddenly became gloomy. Well of course how would it feel to be cursed by your own brother? I could see the pain in her eyes so I quickly attempted to change the topic.

"I'm sure rajkumar arjun had many falling for him with his womanly form" I giggled and finally saw her smiling "I certainly don't appreciate you ladies making fun of my dear parth" we heard krishna's dramatic exclamation and i raised my eyebrow at the nickname he gave to rajkumar arjun "so now is he your parthhh???" I dragged the last word to irk him "yeah and I'm his madhav" Krishna replied proudly.

"I don't know what they fed each other but they are acting like they are friends since yug-yug" rukmini giggled saying. 

Well of course it's not surprising because the one who accepts Krishna whole heartedly will forever be his friend. The way I surrendered to him made me a part of him forever.


When the whole hastinapur were rejoicing the victory of pandavas. Duryodhan's heart was burning with jealousy.

"I cannot see that yudhisthir being crowned as yuvraj, mamashree!" Duryodhan was causing a huge commotion in his chamber while shakuni, dusshasan and karn struggled to control his temper.

"Shant hojao mere bacche, aur meri yojana ko suno" saying this, gandhar raj began explaining his malicious plan. Duryodhan, dusshasan and karn smirked after hearing the plan now adamant that this is the ending for pandavas.

Duryodhan found his comfort in giving the pandavas pain. He remembered the letters yadav kumari would send for them and how he would read each of them before it could get to the pandavas. He would return it back to create conflicts between them. Truth to be told he did not wanted that pandavas to be allied with dwarka as such powerful kingdom would easily overpower hastinapur.

He did not wanted the pandavas to have any sort of happiness because he felt that they deprived his happiness but the eldest kaurav could not realise that the unhappiness comes from jealousy, the burning hatred he developed for the pandavas will soon be his destruction.


Dear rajkumaron,

First of all congratulations to yuvraj yudhisthir. I was always sure you would be the perfect ruler and I'm very pleased to see you getting the position you deserve. Second of all, I'm angry at rajkumar arjun for not even coming to dwarka when he was near. That's very bad of you! Alsoo rajkumar nakul, you are quite the famous batchelor. So many princesses are crazy for you, this fact was quite amusing. Rajkumar bheem you aren't any less with your followers, I'm sure even the girls of rakshas clan are crazy for you. Rajkumar sahadev, I have heard alot about your knowledge and someday i wish you will teach me about the way universe works well if you have the time to spare away from your fans. Now I'm quite tried of writing soo goodbye!

With regards,


Reading out mayuri's letter yudhisthir felt happy at her praise while the other four brothers were amused at her tantrum. Once could easily guess that she is upset just by reading the letter. "When she is infront of us, she doesn't talk much but through letters she talks like a parrot" bheem said his thoughts out extremely amused.

"She must have heard all this from madhav" arjun shook his head sighing but a smile playing on his face as he remembered his bestfriend.

"We should immediately write another letter to her or else the princess will get more upset, throwing anothet tantrum" Nakul laughed saying "Of course nakul, now we wouldn't want her to be upset. Do we?" Sahadev brought a paper and began writing.

The pandavas excitedly finished writing the letter and sent it through their trained pigeon.

"Jyesth, what did you think about going to varnavrat?" Arjun Questioned to yudhisthir and as he was about to reply vidur entered their chamber

"Rethink your decision wisely putr" all their five head snapped at vidur's direction who came with a troubled expression.

"Tatshree, I believe we should go there. Mata doesn't express but i could the longing in her eyes to visit varnavrat after hearing that pitashree once visited that place. This is the least we can do for our her" yudhisthir explained and the rest brothers nodded in agreement.

"Why didn't the people of varnavrat remember bhrata pandu all these years? Why just now? And besides I'm unable to recall if bharat pandu even visited varnavrat in his entire lifetime. Don't you think is strange putr?"  Questioned vidur

"If there is something wrong in varnavrat, me and my brothers can handle the situation tatshree" yudhisthir replied

"I feel this is a part of duryodhan's plotting"

"Tatshree, maybe leaving from here for sometime will give duryodhan to      deal with his frustration and stop his plans"

"Do you really think that would happen putr?"

Hearing this question yudhisthir took a long breath his mind struggling to not remember the pain and sufferings he and his brothers had endured all these years.

"By being here our hearts are always restless tatshree, we might not show it but one can see storms in our hearts we struggle to hold. Each moment here feels like stepping on thorns but lucky for us we are used to it. Duryodhan is the son of my tatshree and though his hatred made our hearts turn into stones, we still remember our dharm. I cannot act heartless with the sons of my tatshree but yet mine and my brother's hearts yearn for peace as well. We deserve it too even if it's for a short period of time" yudhisthir teared up slightly as he revealed his inner thoughts. The rest pandavs struggled hide their tears seeing their brother in pain.

Vidur on the other hand hated seeing his nephews in pain. Being their tatshree and the minister of hastinapur, he still could not protect them from the evil side of hastinapur. He felt helpless each time injustice was served to them.

Fate is cruel sometimes to make you stronger for what the future holds.

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