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"You cannot arrest them, Maharaj!" Vidura shouted, standing up from his seat.

Dhirtarashtra glared at Vidura. "You are at no position to tell me what to do, Vidura," he said coldly.

The court fell silent. The Pandavas stood unfazed, their expressions calm and determined. They had known that this day would come, and they were ready for it. Yudhisthira stepped forward. "Is raising our weapons a punishable offense, Maharaj?" he asked in a clear voice. "But is Duryodhana insulting our wife, the daughter-in-law of the Kuru clan, not a punishable offense?"

Shakuni laughed cruelly. "Raising weapons is never justified, Rajkumar," he said.

Yudhisthira ignored Shakuni and stared directly at Dhirtarashtra. "If this is what Maharaj wishes, then arrest us," he said simply.

Dhritarashtra signalled the soldiers to arrest them who were hesitant to even look at the raging warriors but nonetheless walked further.  One look from bheem caused them to freeze on their tracks.

Dhritarashtra's signal sent a chill down the spines of the soldiers. They had never seen such rage in the Pandavas' eyes before. Bheem's gaze was like a hot iron, searing through them. They hesitated, unsure of what to do. The Pandavas walked towards Mayuri and Panchali, who were both teary-eyed. They could see the humiliation in their faces, but they knew that their husbands would come out of this situation.

Yudhisthira spoke to them calmly. "Mayuri, Panchali, go to the chamber of Mata and do not wander off anywhere. We are not able to protect you, Hastinapur is no longer safe for you both. Until we are out of this situation, be with Mata."

Mayuri and Panchali nodded. She watched as the Pandavas turned and walked away, their heads held high. She knew that they were going to face great danger, but she also knew that they would never give up.

The Pandavas looked back at Mayuri and Panchali one last time before they left the court. Their eyes were filled with love and determination. They knew that they would see her again soon. Mayuri stood there watching them go, her heart filled with both sadness and hope. She knew that the Pandavas would face many challenges, but she also knew that they would emerge victorious. 


"What must we do, Jiji?" Mayuri questioned panicked. Panchali and Mayuri were seated in Kunti's chamber, who had currently gone to Mahadev's temple to pray.

They both were discussing wanting to come up with a solution, but Mayuri was too distraught to think clearly. She kept imagining the worst-case scenarios, and her heart was pounding in her chest.

Two hours passed, and they were still no closer to finding a solution. Mayuri was about to give up when she suddenly had an idea. She stood up, her eyes shining with hope.

"I have thought of something," she said to Panchali. "But we need to act fast."

Panchali looked at her expectantly. "What is it?" she asked.

Mayuri smiled before telling Panchali her plan. Panchali's eyes brightened up as well. "This will work, Mayu. I trust Pitamah," she agreed.

Mayuri took a deep breath and said, "I must leave to visit him now, Jiji. Please go and stay with Mata."

Panchali looked worried. "I'll come with you, Mayu. I'm afraid to let you go alone," she said. Mayuri shook her head. "I'll go with Malini, Jiji. You must be with Mata right now. Don't worry, I'll be safe," she assured.

Panchali hesitated for a moment, but then she nodded. "Alright, Mayu. But please be careful."

Mayuri and Panchali parted ways, each going to their own destination. Mayuri was confident that her plan would work, but she couldn't help but feel a sense of anxiety. She knew that she was walking into danger, but she was determined to do whatever it took to save her husbands.

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