Going Home - Chapter 17

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Ross’ POV:

Robert continued to cry into my shirt for a good while, it’s probably soaked at this point. His nose was running like crazy and I could hear him quietly wailing and gasping from how hard he was crying. I rubbed his back and gave him positive affirmations to try and comfort him. This lasted for about five minutes before he unclenched my back and layed back down on his pillow. His face was a mess so I offered to bring a rag to clean his face, to which he agreed.

I walked into the bathroom of the room and took a rag from a shelf then wet it with warm water. I took a few tissues so that he could blow his nose as well and walked back to Robert. I sat on the side of the bed and handed him the tissues while I brought the trash can to my lap so he could easily throw them away when he's done. He blows his nose two times before throwing away the tissues. I put the trash can back on the floor and tell him to relax so I could wipe his face. He nods and closes his eyes. I begin wiping down his face with the rag gently. When I felt his face was clean I set the rag to the side and told Robert he was good.

“Thank you Ross.” he says, opening his eyes.

“No problem. I’m gonna go tell the nurses your awake-” 

Before I could walk away Robert grabs my wrist. “You’re such a… good friend Ross. You’re so caring and sweet, I don’t know what I’d do without you. I’m seriously so thankful for everything you’ve done for me.”

That caught me off guard, he always manages to get me flustered at the most random moments. I still managed to turn around and give him a smile.

“I’d do anything for you.” I say, not really thinking about what I let just slip out my mouth.

He smiles back and slowly gets up from the bed. “I wanna go see Radford, you gonna come?” he asks.

“Of course, they told me I should monitor you anyways.” I answer.

I went to open the door for Robert but when I did I was met with a bunch of faces. My mom, a woman that I would assume is Robert's mom, Carmen, her husband Richard, and Roy. They immediately rushed inside and the woman gave Robert a hug. 

“My baby… are you okay?” she asks him.

"I'm fine mom, just a bruised arm." he answers.

His mom immediately rolls up his sleeve to look at his bruise. When she saw it she frowned and hugged him again.

"I'm so sorry. When I saw he was leaving every night I didn't know he was coming here." she says.

"Mom, don't be sorry, it's not your fault."

Robert's mom breaks the hug and gives him a kiss on the cheek before walking back to the adults to discuss what to do.

Roy then walks over and also gives Robert a hug, a quick one though. 

"Are you okay?" he asks.

"I'm okay now. How come you're here?" Robert also asks.

"My dads a lawyer, I convinced my mom to convince him to help your mom with a divorce and stuff. My mom said she owes you." he answers.

Robert looked at Carmen for a second, he was stunned but happy that she came around. 

"Did you guys see Radford?" Robert asks.

"Yeah, he went to sleep though so best not to bother him right now." Roy answers.

Robert nods and walks to the bed to sit down. Me and Roy sit next to him.

"I wanna leave." Robert complains.

"The nurses are gonna want to check you and we're all gonna be questioned about what happened, we're probably gonna be here for another hour." I respond. 

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