Coming Out - Chapter 28

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Robert's POV:

Me and Ross continued our walk to his house, him in silence and me just freaking out the whole way about what we would do about Jaune finding the pizza box. I think I was a little more worried about if Ross was okay since he's the one that's gonna have to explain himself to Jaune.

“I could lie and say the pizza box is mine! Oh, or you could say it was an art project that you brought home to work on! Or-!”

He cut me off by giving a light squeeze to my hand. “Robert it’s okay, you don’t have to make up excuses for me.” 

I frown and look at him. “Are you okay?” 

He stayed silent for a bit, really thinking about it. Before finally saying, “I think I’m gonna tell her, I don’t want to lie.”

At this point Ross’ house was already just down the street. I stopped in my tracks, making him stop as well and asked, “Really? You’re ready?”

He gave me a slight smile. “I mean, I’m scared and I didn’t expect for this to happen tonight, but I think I’m ready. That practice today helped so I'm sure I can do it.” he explains.

He looked uneasy, despite him smiling, but I smiled back and gave both his hands a light squeeze. “You got this. I'll be next to you the whole time and don’t force yourself if you can’t do it. Okay?”

His mood brightened a bit and his smile widened. “You’re the best.”

“I know.”

He raised an eyebrow at me and made a face that read, “Really?”, which made me chuckle.

“What? You said it yourself! Don’t get mad cause I’m aware of the fact!”

We both laughed before he punched my arm and we continued our walk down the street to Ross’ house

Ross' POV:

Five minutes later we stood in front of my house, the adrenaline for what was about to happen was already kicking in. My palms were sweaty, my stomach was twisting and turning, I know I should be fine though so I have to calm down somehow.

Me and Robert went up the steps to the front door and I hesitantly pulled the house keys out from my pocket and held it in front of the lock for a second. I keep telling myself to calm down and that everything is going to be fine, but my mind is just racing with all kinds of thoughts.

I sighed with frustration as I stared at the lock and Robert gave me a hug. "Take a breath, you're going to be okay. Jaune is like the most supportive and chill mom I've ever seen, you know that."

He gave me a peck on the cheek which made me chuckle. I took a breath, as I exhaled I quickly unlocked the door and opened it, mom was already sitting at the dining room waiting for us.

"Hi mom," I say as I take off my bag and place it on the floor.

"Hi Ross, Robert." she greets.

Robert waves at her before putting his belongings down as well and waiting for my next move. I give him a subtle nod and we both walk to the dining room table and sit next to each other.

"What's this about? I was only sitting here while I waited for you boys, I'm not going to lecture you again." she explains.

"Yeah well I um- wanted to talk to you. About the pizza box?" I say, now looking down and fidgeting with my hands.

She raised her eyebrows and looked at both me and Robert. "Oh, Ross honey it's okay you don't have to tell me right now. I'm sorry if I made you feel a way about that."

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