Chapter One: Fate of a Queen

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SONG: TAKE A HINT - BY Victorious Cast feat. Victoria Justice & Elizabeth Gillies 


(This chapter will be pretty short for reasons, apologies!)


The Sadida kingdom had been replenishing itself since the flooding occurred, slowly, but surely. And the princess had been cooped up in her room since her father's death and her brother's coronation. She always seemed to stare at the sky, as if longing for something, or someone. The adventures had of the brotherhood had ended, or so she thought. Since her brother was king, the suitor problem only got worse, no matter what she said. And his bratty wife doesn't help. So, Amalia decided to try and frequently send letters to her old friends, although only some respond. She found Yugo hardly responds now, usually it's Adamai that does. Yugo has definitely grown since the inglorium incident. Physically and mentally. 

"Princess?" A familiar voice rang following a light knock upon the bedroom door. Amalia turned to respond only to watch the nob turn and the door open to reveal a tall figure.

"Yes, Canar?" She hummed in response, as if knowing what they will say. Renata followed closely behind them. They nodded, and she turned to look down at her hands. Clenching her fists, she followed them down the hall to where Armand sat on his throne. His gaze was consistently irritating her. He was always acting high and mighty. As she walked, she wondered about the rest of the brotherhood. Are they doing okay? Have the Eliatropes been rebuilding well? The Eliatropes... She remembered Yugo's last words to her before he left;

"I promise I'll visit when I have the time." His words echoed like a faint memory.

'Was it a lie... it's been months, yet he's barely sent a message!' She clenched her fist as she entered the throne room.

"Amalia! There you are." Her brother's voice sounded, snapping her back to reality. "You took your time; the suitors are waiting." She ignored his snide remark, making her way to the door. She evaluated as many suitors as possible, a few seemed nice, yet still, none met her expectations. The sky faded from blue to black. Ultimately, she put them to wait until the next day. She knew she was to be queen some day, but she still only ever thought of one person. Her mind was on her kingdom, but her heart was elsewhere. For a moment, as she got ready for bed, she felt a sudden chill, yet a sense of familiar warmth. As she dozed off, she thought for a moment she thought she saw a strangely familiar hat atop a small figure. She simply brushed it off as an illusion from exhaustion. 

Word count: 618

Time/date updated: 4/11/2023 11:52 (German time)

Time/date published: 23/9/2023 11:03 (German time)

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