Chapter Eight: To forget

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Song - Take Me To Church - Cover by Justine's Mic on YouTube

Original by Hozier

The individual was quickly recognized as the Yugo they once thought they knew, but Amalia felt as though he had never really changed. She stood with her gaze fixed on him, same as everyone else. For a moment, there was an awkward silence, until it was broken by Elely's groan of boredom.

"This is taking foreverrr, can we just go fight something?" This earned the child a wack to the head, causing a small giggle from a few others in the group.
Although they were Iop-brains, it was better than the awful silence they had to endure. Despite everyone else laughing, Yugo had not even cracked a smile. It was something they would have to get used to. Amalia knew now that she and Yugo would have to clear things up eventually, but she took every step to avoid it. She was sure he knew the same.

He only tossed her a quick glance before finally speaking. "Nora will take you to where you will stay, it's just a little ways down." His voice had become noticeably deeper, yet it was quite clear. "If you need anything, I'll be near... usually." He finished after a short pause.
The group had sat down for some time and caught up with what he had been up to the past months, and how the kingdom was already so well nourished and populous. Yugo, or, King Yugo explained how the Eliacube and the Dofus could easily be used for good purposes when necessary, and how Nora's gift also assisted in the process.

After some time, the small group was guided down to their rooms, which were decently sized gust bedrooms lied next to each other along the hall. Nora also offered to give them a tour after they had a rest. They accepted, but decided to take a while to get themselves settled beforehand.

Amalia was left to her own in her room, twiddling with her fingers and making abrupt glances towards the door, as if expecting someone to walk in. She had been replaying a scenario in her head of how it would go when she finally gathered courage to properly speak to Yugo, but all she could see were negative results, no matter what she thought of. Out of necessity, she walked down the hall and knocked on the door of the room Evangeline and her husband had been put to stay in. Thankfully, Eva opened the door and seemed to instantly realize what the situation was. She left the kids with Dally and followed Amalia for a walk back to her room.

"Is it still bothering you?" She asked her friend. Amalia nodded and sighed.

"All I can think of is the bad things that might happen." She groaned in frustration. "What do I even say?" Eva seemed to seriously think about this before coming up with a reply.

"Just take the situation slowly, and don't rush it. He is probably feeling the same as you are." She calmly, pridefully stated. Amalia took a mental note as they reached her door.

Taking a deep breath, she spoke, "You're right, I'm probably being ridiculous." She paused. "I just need to wait for the right moment." 

"Don't wait too long, keep that in mind." Eva noted, pointing a finger in the air. Amalia nodded.

"Right, thank you, Eva." She smiled softly at her friend, she had always been like a sister, someone she could rely on, for anything. Eva nodded and waved her off as she returned to her room. 

Amalia went to sit on her bed and nestled her face in her hands. She took a few deep breaths and stood, deciding she would speak to him when the time came. For now, she would wait until the tour they had been promised, when Nora came to get the group. Nora wasn't someone they really knew, but she was kind, and she was patient, "patient" was something she hadn't genuinely seen much of in an Eliatrope, based on her experience. She leaned on the small window by her bed, gazing at the beauty of her friend's kingdom, and his people. Yugo Quilby, Chibi, and technically Nora had been the only Eliatrope's she had seen before the children were brought back into the world. 

She waited for a short period of time before there was a soft knock on her door. As she stood up to get it, she recognized Eva's voice and paused.

"You know, I don't usually do that." Eva muttered.

"It doesn't seem like something you would do, but I can help in any way you need me to." Nora's voice replied. Amalia decided to brush off what they said, and just open the door, not wanting to add onto the stress. Slowly, she opened the door, and greeted the two. 

"The others are just down the hall, Nora is ready to give us the tour, if you want to go." Eva told her. Amalia agreed and followed her to greet the rest of the group. 

Nora guided the group down the hall, stopping at a certain room occasionally. Eventually, the group was guided around the gardens, and the village. It was then they started to see more Eliatropes. They figured they had entered the forest on the wrong side. 

After about two hours, including breaks, they had seen most everything they needed to. They'd been shown all the necessary rooms, like where they could eat, and sleep. The sun had long set, and the group said their good nights to go to their rooms to settle down for the night. 

Amalia sat up staring at a small flower that had been settled next to her bed on the night stand. The thoughts she had been stressing over ever since they left her home still racing through her mind, the worst outcomes of the visit were shouting for her to leave. She deeply sighed, allowing herself to fall onto her back and stare at the small, open window. All she could see was the dark sky that blanketed their seemingly little world. 

She slowly decided to let herself drift off once again, the flickering candlelight fading from her vision. 

(Yes, it is a mid-chapter POV switch, you're welcome. This is bound to be a longer chapter. Thank you for reading btw. :) )

The sky would remain dark for hours, the only guiding light to those still lying awake was the moon, and the stars it shielded from the sun. He and his people had once been compared to the moon and stars, in Inglorium. He found himself stuck watching the blue lights of portals fading from view as the children found themselves settling down for a night's rest. Likewise, he'd guard them as they did so, as he had done for the little time they had been back on that world. Although, the King knew they were always watched by their mother's protective gaze, something they never could escape, not that they needed or wanted to. It was comforting, to know someone did have all the answers. Yugo just wished she could be more open with giving them. 

He gazed up at the sky, leaning with his palms on the window frame, he sighed, and turned toward's the vase that sat upon his desk. The vase held a Tiger Lily, he had once remembered Amalia saying it was her favourite flower. He knew the two had to talk, but it was... difficult, just to think of what to say. He didn't know if Amalia felt the same, but figured she did. Sometimes, it did hurt, but he had pushed it down, as he found himself always doing recently. Or really, ever since Inglorium. Pushing down his emotions was one of the things he had quickly become good at. The King knew that, knowing Amalia, she had already spoken to Evangeline about it if she did feel the same as he did. It was all so overwhelming, a people to take care of. And the brotherhood?

 Anyway, Yugo was sure Adamai was wondering what was up with him. Especially considering they can often feel when the other is stressed, or overwhelmed with negative emotions. The two had mostly made up in Inglorium, but it was more than that. It was not something one could easily forgive. He knew how bad his actions were, and Adamai knew his, that's all it was.

Over the months, he had been so busy, writing a letter would be too much. Would that be something else she could be mad at him for? Was she still mad about what happened back at Oropo's tower? What else would she be upset about? Him creating Oropo? 

He quickly realized he had started overthinking again and stopped himself. It would just be better if he took a break, he knew that, but he couldn't. Not when he has such a people to look after, and guests he once travelled and spent years with on top of that. His people looked set on the outside, but there are still some issues, as expected. Once again, he sighed, and sat down on his bed, contemplating what to do or say the next time he sees his old friends. The Emerald Guardian took a few deep breaths and leaned back onto the headboard. For a moment, he could see a small show, but recognized it as the flickering candlelight bouncing off of the walls he was shielded with. 

"How much longer do we have?" He uttered, before blacking out from exhaustion.

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