Chapter Five: Memories

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Song - W.I.T.C.H - Cover by Annapantsu on YouTube 

Everything had been black for what felt like only a few seconds when the Sadidan princess slowly opened her eyes to see a flickering yellow light pulsing off of the wooden ceiling of what she recognized as the small Inn she and her friends had stayed in. She grunted as she struggled to push herself up on her forearms, her eyes still adjusting to the new light. Evangeline sat at the desk at the front of the room. 

"Eva?" She mumbled. Eva turned her head in response.

"Oh, your awake!" She paced over to Amalia with a piece of cloth in her hand, dripping with cold water. Amalia winced as the cloth collided with the light abrasion on her wrist. 

"What happened?" Amalia whispered, just loud enough to be heard. Eva game her a surprised look, then smiled softly.

"Right, you passed out..." She paused, "... The monster that attacked the village got scared off, it might have been Dally... But we don't know." Amalia was confused, but she was too hungry to care. "There is food if you want it." Eva almost always seemed like she could read her mind, it must have been how long they've known each other. 

"How long have I been out?" Amalia asked, slowly steadying herself to stand up. 

"Only a few hours, it is near afternoon now though." Eva replied, glaring out of the small window, the sky fading to a deep blue. The two made their way down to where the Inn provided food, the others were set at a long table, Dally making a mess with his food on the table and his hand in the air. He must have been telling another story, because Elely's eyes were filled with a spark of excitement and interest, while Flopin seemed bored as he quietly ate his food. The girls sat down and properly ate, stopping every once in a while to mention and laugh at something. 

Eventually the group packed up, restocking provisions and saying to the Inn owner goodbye. They continued on their journey until night fell. They then settled down and created a small fire. After a little time of talking, they fell asleep.

 As the morning came and the sun rose, the group woke and again, continued their journey. They every once in a while asked Scribble for their location, he was annoying, but told them anyway. 

The day passed, and they figured they would take a little longer than planned, but hopefully not by much. 

They soon came to a small port, where they searched high and low for a boat to take them to the location they needed to go. It took a while, but they soon found Elaine and Black Ink, the ones that helped them get across years before.

 The group set sail and found themselves on the way to the land the Eliatropes resided on. 

"How much longer, Scribble?" Evangeline asked the Shushu. 

"Not long." He reluctantly replied. Evangeline was not happy with the unspecific answer, but sighed and let it be. She turned to Elaine. "How far are we?" She restated her question. Elaine looked towards her and smiled. 

"Still a day to go, friend!" She replied. Eva frowned, turning to Amalia, who was lost in her thoughts. Amalia had been staring at the sea in impatience, the occasional sigh escaping her lips. Eva walked over to her and rested a soft hand on her shoulder. A soft smile grew on her face, embracing Amalia, her best friend since forever, into a comforting hug. 

"It's not much farther, we'll survive." She joked. Amalia smiled weakly at her as she leaned over the side of the boat, looking at the sunset with a sombre expression. Eva did not say anything, offering silent support as the two stood and stared towards the fading sky of red, pink, and orange. 

After some time, the group decided to turn the lights out early. The night had swallowed the ship in darkness, guided by the sombre light of distant stars. The waves lightly carried the ship closing to its destination, quiet whispers of water against earth slowly getting louder. The silence seemed to scream curses as the princess lay quiet in her bed, tossing and turning, unable to rest. She sighed and gripped the sheets, staring at the ceiling with a desperate longing. Rolling onto her side, she closed her eyes and reminded herself of the adventures and memories she missed, the ones she created when she and the brotherhood were still young. Slowly drifting into the cold arms and silent comfort of dreams, she fell asleep, still reminiscing.

Date Published: 12/15/2023 7:47 German Time

Date Updated: 12/15/2023 7:47 German Time

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