Thank You Again! 😭😭❤️

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I know this is the second time I'm doing one of these, but I really appreciate all of you and wanted to make sure you know that. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you need to, or to comment suggestions. Or, if there is something you want me to do or include in future chapters or books for you, just leave it in the comments and I will do my best! Another thing I want to point out, is we have hit #1 for Yumalia! I am so thrilled about this and wanted to give a thank you to everyone taking time out of their day to read my books! I am so grateful for all of you and hope you have a great Christmas, or whatever you are going to celebrate, if at all!

Likewise, I hope I can continue to entertain you, and you continue to enjoy my books. Thank You.❤️

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