Chapter Three: A failed attempt at Love

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Song - Love Story - By Indila

Pizza Music on YouTube

The princess sat quietly in her bedroom as she glared down at a letter she had received months before from a certain Eliatrope. It wasn't very detailed and only inquired as to the current state of the new people and their king. She hadn't received another since then. The poor girl had to admit how she missed her adventures with the brotherhood, her hair had become visibly darker as she had been getting outside less. The only sound was a deep sigh as she listened to the inevitably loud silence, followed by a firm knock on her door.

"Come in." She started abruptly before standing and turning to the door. As she brushed off her clothing the door slowly creaked open to reveal a familiar figure. It was her former bodyguard and her best friend carrying her several-month-old child followed by her husband, Elely and Flopin. A few minutes later Ruel walked in as well. "Eva! I didn't know you were visiting." She said, happily breaking the silence and embracing her old friend.

"We wanted to come sooner, but we didn't want to rush it." Eva responded, returning the hug.

Amalia looked confused. "Rush what?" Eva gave her a knowing smile.

"We planned a little surprise visit to our dear friends over in their own kingdom." She said not-so-subtly. Amalia smiled.

"I'd love to, but I doubt Armand would let me go." The princess trailed off, saying her brother's name with a slight anger.

"Don't worry about him," Eva smirked. "We have that part taken care of." Amalia was left slightly confused by this, however, she decided not to push it.

"Alright then, when are we going?" She questioned as she crossed her arms over her chest and curved her lips into a grin. Eva paused and looked over to Ruel and her husband, who shrugged in response.

"We... haven't figured that bit out yet." She admitted shamefully. "But we know it will probably be soon." She grinned. Amalia nodded.

"Well, let's be quick then before my brother decides to stop us." She laughed.

"We're ready when you are." Eva smiled before turning and ushering her husband, children, and Ruel out of the room. Now that she looked, Elely looked quite upset, and Flopin was just glaring at her, addled. Once everyone was out of the room, the princess looked out of her window and shook her head to remind herself to pack. She called for her two ladies in waiting and had them assist her pack appropriately. After a while, she finished and warned the two to keep it a secret, in case her brother and his irritating wife happened.

Soon after, she went and looked for Eva and the others, who she found sitting around the town, lecturing Dally and Elely. She spoke to them and settled on what they would do as a way to make a quick trip on their journey. Eventually, the next morning came, and the group left the town. A while before, Yugo had given them Scribble, who was as annoying and loud as ever. Through the silly Shushu, they found their way to a small village some bit west of the Sadida kingdom.

"Ugh... This is BORING!!!" Elely complained loudly.

"Stop shouting." Flopin groaned from beside her, rubbing his palm on his ear towards Elely. Elely blew a raspberry towards him in response to the comment before folding her small arms, and rushing ahead.

Tugging on her father's cape, she asked, "When can we do something fun?" In an almost bratty manner.

"Not now, Elely, we still have some distance to go still!... I think..." Amalia looked at him over her shoulder with a raised eyebrow, for a moment, that was one of the smartest things she ever heard him say. She rolled her eyes and turned her head back in front of her. Eva gave her a knowing look.

"He's as Iop-ish as ever." She only half-joked. "Oh? Look, there is that village." Amalia pointed out ahead of the group, a good distance.

The group kept moving forward, and as they found themselves at the village, they looked around at the lush environment. They soon after found an Inn, a small, but cosy one. Dally and Ruel got a room with the kids, and Eva and Amalia got their separate room.

"Do you think we can make it there in three days?" Amalia muttered as she combed her hair, softly brushing her fingers through the wavy strands. Evangeline simply shrugged, pulling a pin and letting her medium-length hair fall down her back like a straightforward golden river breaking through a dam at sunrise.

"It could be longer, but for now it's all we've got." She replied. Yet, Amalia's uneasiness clouded the room still.

"Shouldn't we at least send a letter of some kind as a heads-up?" Evangeline looked back at her, then smiled softly.

"If you're that worried about it, feel free." Amalia chuckled at her good friend's words, walking over to a sleek wooden desk, before looking back to see her friend smile knowingly.

Throughout the night, she slept better after she had the letter sent, thanks to Otomi, who, fortunately, resided in the small village they were staying in. However, her easiness was soon discarded as a rumble shook the beds, creating quite a disturbance. The two friends rushed downstairs, followed by the rest of the group. Elely and Dally seemed ready and excited, while everyone else was more concerned and troubled by the sudden ruckus. Eva, as well as Flopin, had their bows drawn, despite having hold of her youngest child, balancing the two. Dally had summoned a sort of blade with his new arm, Elely bumped her fists together, and Amalia pressed her palms together. Ruel was half asleep, despite the noise. The group rushed out of the Inn to find the night skies clouded with smoke, fire, and chaos ensuing anywhere one would look. A tall, shadowy figure loomed over the people, laughing in a deep, maniacal voice. Without thinking, of course, Dally and Elely rushed towards the figure lunging and showering it with attacks from every angle. Eva sighed and launched an arrow to freeze the creature in its tracks, causing it to growl and groan in anger. Amalia assisted with thick vines, straining against its strength. There was a sudden, but small, bright blue flash before the princess's view went dark, and she seemed to have lost consciousness.

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