Chapter Four: Fire and Smoke

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Song - I wanna be Yours - Arctic Monkeys

LatinHype on YouTube!

A hooded figure watched out of a small window as the wind whispered stories while trees sighed and swayed. The figure simply sat arched forward over a few letters and papers scattered over the small wooden desk he leaned his elbows on with his hands in front of his mouth. A small sigh escaped his breath as he reached down to a corner of the desk, gripping a small scroll with words lined neatly along the sheet in a neat manner. He frowned and slowly stood as a light knock rang from a door on one side of the room.

His head turned in the direction of the sound, "Come in." He spoke, in a soft, yet clear, husky voice. The door slowly creaked open to reveal a short figure, an Eliatrope child. In the child's small hands lay another scroll, though the child seems antsy or nervous.

"Your majesty," The child spoke in a taut voice with a small bow, "A letter from the Sadida princess." The King's smoky eyes slowly drifted from the child to the letter as he reached out and softly took it from the child's grasp. 

"Thank you, Leni." He soon replied, the child taking this as a sign to be dismissed, bowing, and "portaling" away. As he sat and rolled the scroll open, his usually heavy eyes slowly widened as he read through the letter, almost instantly recognizing the handwriting. He quickly dropped the letter onto his desk and hustled out of the door of the small office, pacing down the hall towards a decent sized library. As he found himself through the doors he heard the voices of Nora and Chibi. Following the sound he turned the corner and gazed at the sight of an annoyed Chibi sat in a wooden chair, being lectured by Nora. It only took a moment for both to stop and look at their King. 

For a split second, it was like an awkward stare-down, until Nora spoke, "King Yugo?" He straightened his posture and returned to his solemn stare. 

"We have a few visitors coming in about three days," He paused as he turned and peered back over his shoulder. "Six. Will you be ready by then?"

"Of course, your majesty." She paused. "If I may, are these visitors friends of yours?" Nora politely inquired, Chibi merely tilted his head. 

Yugo looked forward; "You could say that..." He trailed off as he pitched forward. Nora watched as he left, listening to the sound of retreading footsteps, before turning to return to lecturing Chibi. As the King prodded down the mostly empty halls, he contemplated if he would have enough time to prepare. He figured as much, and decided he would try and keep in touch this time.

 Throughout the rest of the day, he was more busy than usual, although he was always busy. He spent a lot of time planning with the council, making preparations, and tending to his people. By the time of night fall, Yugo was, as per normal, tired. Despite this, however, he continued to work until the moon reigned in the sky.

 Once the young King had finished major work or issues needing to be solves, he had been slightly encouraged by his brothers and sisters to rest for the night. And he did so, as per their requests. Or, he tried. For what felt like hours, his head was crowded with thoughts from his last meeting with the brotherhood, the negative feelings from his dispute with his brother, and his foolish actions with the six dofus. He sighed and slowly rose from his bed. Looking down at his rough and calloused hands, layered with scars from battles he fought as a child and some even from minor training. He rested his face in his palm and felt his muscles tense, he eventually decided to stand and read, until his thoughts crept away. 

After some time, Yugo's vision slowly blurred from exhaustion, and his body suddenly felt heavy, closing his eyes and resting his head on the ancient book, dozing off only slowly, but surely. His final thought before returning to the comfort of darkness was how his reunion with his old friends would pan out. Alas, only time could tell.

Date published: 9/12/2023 10:54 PM German time

Date Updated: 9/12/2023 10:54 PM German time

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