Chapter 2

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 Narrator " Long ago in another realm stood the majestic kingdom of Tal'Dorei. Once the battleground of Gods and Titans, its land now harbor magic, wonder and mystery. It was a time of peace ... until a great evil arrived. A brave group of heroes banded together, ready to face this evil. "

Wizard " Hold fast the beats approaches 

( beast snarling )

The group of heroes readied themselves.

( whooshing )

The a massive boulder crushed one of the heroes killing him.

Wizard " You shall pay for yo ... "

The Wizard was the cut into pieces and his remains were splattered on his fellow heroes.

Random person " Holy shi... "

The person talking and the person next to them then got crushed.

Warrior " Humanity will never fall to y.. "

The warrior was the vaporized by a strong bolt of lighting and he blew into dust and flew away.

Narrator " Well ... that was something. "

Hey what are you doing?

Narrator " Narrating. "

That's my job get lost ... anyway we look to see the group of Vox machina with their new friend Y/n at a tavern. Grog, Vax, Vex and Pike were having a drinking competition to see who  could drink the fastest obviously Grog won.

Grog " Yeah haha WHO'S THE BEST?! "

Percy " Grog wins again. ( takes a swig of wine ) "

Vax " Uhhh fuck me why do we always play drinking games with a guy twice our size? "

Vex " Because It's the quickest way to get drunk. "

Keyleth " Who's drunk? Not me I'm fi ( she then vomits on the floor ) "

Pike " How are you already drunk you've had one? ( almost vomits ) Uhh so chunky. "

Then someone stepped in it.

??? " Argh watch it bitch. "

He then pushes past Keyleth.

Grog " Hey you watch it dick nose. "

Pike " Grog remember we don't waste time of talking assholes. "

Vex " Oi Tavern keep another round for vox machina the greatest band of mercenaries in all the realms.

The guy from before then started to laugh.

??? " The greatest I thought you couldn't save a cow from a burning building? "

His friends at his table start to laugh and Vax walks up to their table and sticks a knife in it.

Vax " Let's keep thing civil friend we aren't looking for trouble. "

?? " Oh i bet you ain't, everyone knows you're a bunch of losers who can't get a job. Look at your scrawny ass too weak to tickle your own pickle. "

Vax " You offering to help? "

?? " Yeah uh no. Erm Fuck you. "

Vax " I'm only asking for you to give me a hand. "

Vax pulls his hand toward him and Grog cuts the guys hand off and he stumbles back and falls to the floor.

Grog " Look Vax I think he's willing. Oh can I keep this? "

?? " Get them. "

The guys friends then starts to charge at vox machina and then a bar fight starts, everyone picks someone to fight and Vax firs dodges someone grabs and drink and downs it. He then returns to the fight and goes back to back with his sister and kill a cat person by Vex shooting him with an arrow and Vax throwing a knife at him, Vax's knife then glows and disappears and reappears in his hand.

legend of vox machina x male alchemist reader ( to be continued )Where stories live. Discover now