Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

MC and Jake had been working hard the past couple months on a big project that their boss trusted them with. Once they had finished everything they both had a couple of weeks off work. Jake had decided to plan something special for MC; he had booked a ski lodge for a week. Jake had everything set up at the lodge; he wants it as romantic as possible for his girl. Once he had booked everything he turned off his laptop and went to see where MC was. When he came out of the office she was sitting by the window drawing on one of her big sketch pads.

Jake smiled and walked over to her, kissing her softly on the cheek, "hi baby, I've got something special to tell you" MC looked up at Jake who had excitement in his eyes "what is it Jake? MC looked at Jake with such in her eyes. "I've booked us a romantic ski lodge for the week" MC's eyes lit up at what Jake had told her she put her pad down and wrapped her arms around him. "Awh Jake..I love you so much baby" MC had tears in her eyes. They weren't sad tears but tears of happiness and joy.

MC pulled away slightly from Jake to look into his ocean blue eyes, "when do you leave baby?" Jake looked into MCs hazel eyes and a warm smile spread across his face "I know it's short notice but we leave tomorrow" Jake had a hint of sadness in his voice when he said they would be leaving tomorrow. "Hey baby, don't be upset I love this side of you so much plus I have you to keep me warm" MC kissed Jake softly on the lips. "Come on baby let's go fuck, erm I mean pack" a mischievous grin spread across Jake's face at what MC had said. "I definitely love the first option, let's do that first" MC couldn't help but giggle. Jake took her by the hand leading her into the bedroom.

The next day MC and Jake were all ready to head up to the ski lodge, MC was so excited she couldn't wait to get there. "This week is going to be the best thank you so much baby" Jake turned to MC and smiled. "Anything for my special girl" has Jake driving down the street MC was taking pictures of all the different types of scenery. "Look Jake, look how pretty the trees and flowers look" Jake looked over and a big smile spread across his face. "It's so beautiful baby, but not as beautiful as you" MC felt her cheeks starting to heat up even now Jake still made her blush whenever she paid her a compliment.

After a few more hours of driving MC and Jake arrived at the lodge, Jake parked the car and got the cases out of the boot of the car MC was taking in her surroundings she had a big smile on her face. "Jake this place is perfect" Jake walked over to MC and wrapped his arms around MCs waist. "Come on let's go check in" they picked up the bags and walked over to the reception building once they had checked in and walked over to the lodge where they will be staying for the next week.

When they walked inside MCs face lit up even more, there was a massive kitchen to the left and to the right was a cozy living space for them to cuddle up near the fire. The master bedroom was even better; there was a massive 4 poster bed with an ensuite bathroom. MC couldn't believe they would be living in such luxury she put both arms out spinning round with a big smile on her face.

Jake stood near the bedroom door with a smile on his face as he watched how happy MC was. When MC noticed Jake standing there she rushed over to him and gave him a big hug. "How about we go take a walk and then after we can sit by the fire watching a movie" MC snuggled into Jake with a smile on her face. "I'd love that Jake, I'm so in love with you" a warm feeling spread through Jake's body. "I feel the same way MC I love you so much" they stayed in each other's arms for a few more minutes then got their jackets and went on their walk.

Jake and MC walked down the path hand in hand, they found a trail that led to a lake. There were a few benches nearby so they decided to sit down. "It's so beautiful here, I love this place" MC cuddled Jake and smiled. "I'm so glad you like it here baby" they sat and talked for a while then headed back to the lodge. Once they got back they took off their jackets hanging them up, MC went into the kitchen to make some hot chocolate with marshmallows and whipped cream. While MC was busy making hot drinks Jake was getting the log fire ready. He put down the big cushions from the sofa and the big blanket from the back of the sofa.

After making the hot drinks MC brought them over to where Jake was sitting, she placed them down on the coffee table and lay down next to Jake. MC cuddled into Jake enjoying the sound of the embers coming from the fire "I know you suggested watching a movie but can we just stay like this for a while?" Jake placed a soft kiss on MCs head. "Of course baby, whatever you want to do is perfectly okay with me" they sat and cuddled while drinking their hot drinks Jake noticed MC was starting to feel sleepy so he put her cup down and picked her up. She snuggled into his chest as Jake carried her to bed.

The next morning MC woke up with a smile on her face. Everything bad that happened was now in the past she was now only looking towards the future with the man she loved so much.

I never thought I would ever be this happy again, I really thought Jake was dead but he wasn't he came back to me. I've had boyfriends in the past but none of them compare to Jake. They only ever wanted one thing and when I wouldn't give it to them they would leave. Jake he's different, he's so caring and loving he doesn't force me to choose behaving sex or leaving. I could stay wrapped up in his arms for the rest of my life listening to him softly snoring warms my heart so much.

I feel him starting to wake the smile on my face gets even bigger. I can't wait for him to open his eyes so I can see his beautiful ocean blue eyes. "Good morning baby" I reach my hand out and softly run my hand over his cheek. "Morning baby, I love waking up to you, you're so beautiful" Jake pulls me close and kisses me softly on the lips. We lay in each other's arms for a while then we got up, took a long shower together and ate breakfast.

After we finished breakfast we walked into the small town where there was a market that had been set up with different stalls. "Wow look at this one Jake" I took hold of Jake's arm and pulled him over towards the stall selling all kinds of different soaps. I picked up one after another. They all smelt so nice I couldn't decide which one I wanted. Jake noticed I was struggling and he did the most amazing thing ever. He bought me one of each soap "oh Jake thank you so much" I kissed Jake softly on the lips and gave him a hug. "Anything for my beautiful angel"

We carried on walking around and I spotted a stall that sold all kinds of different computer things. There were keyrings,shirts, monitors, they even had laptops as I was looking around while waiting for Jake to come back from the bathroom. I saw the perfect gift for Jake; it was one of the very first laptops that came out. Next to it was a shirt that said "I found true love using a computer" I grabbed the laptop and shirt and paid for them.

I felt two arms wrap around my waist and kiss me softly on the cheek, "hey beautiful" I looked up at Jake and I couldn't help but smile. He is my everything.

MC managed to hide the bag from Jake while they walked around some more before heading back to the lodge. Once they arrived back Jake went to make some coffee while MC sat down smelling all her different soaps. "MC what's in the other bag?" MC looked up at Jake and realized she hadn't given him his gift yet. "I'm sorry baby, come here i bought you something" Jake walked over to where MC was sitting and sat down next to her.

MC handed over the bag and Jake's face lit up when he saw the laptop, when he pulled the shirt out his face lit up even more. "I don't know what to say, I love them so much thank you MC" MC smiled and leaned in for a kiss Jake deepened the kiss pushing MC down onto the sofa. "I want to show my thanks for my gifts" MC could see how dark Jake's eyes had gone she felt his erection brushing against her thighs.

Jake squeezed MCs breasts and a moan escaped her mouth as Jake put his hand under her shirt and started playing with her hardening nipples. Jake sat up a little bit and told MC to take her shirt off as she did Jake I hooked her bra letting her breasts free. As Jake was playing with her breasts his hand slid down towards MCs wet knickers and slowly pulled them down and placed a finger deep inside her.

MC let out a loud moan as Jake pushed another finger into her soaking wet hole. Jake quickened the pace MC was starting to  lose control and cum all over Jake's fingers. When MC caught her breath she pulled Jake towards her and kissed him. She started to unbuckle his belt and pull his jeans off exposing his erection. She licked the tip of his erection each time sliding her mouth further onto his erection. Jake let out moan after moan he loved what MC was doing to him it was driving him crazy.

MC stopped what she was doing and pushed Jake back onto the sofa and slowly lowered herself into Jake's hard dick. Jake put his hands on MCs waist as she moved up and down. Her breast bouncing up and down each time getting faster and faster until they both lost control and MC cum all over Jake's dick and Jake filling MC up with hot cum.

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