Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

The wedding day is here. I am both excited and nervous at the same time I can't wait to marry Jake. I didn't sleep much last night. I spent the night at Jessy's. It felt so strange not sleeping next to Jake I missed his warmth and the  comfort of his arms wrapped around me. Jessy Is helping me with my hair and makeup. She can tell that I am missing Jake and is doing her best to calm me down. "Why don't you phone him MC it might help you settle your nerves" I looked up at Jessy and smiled at her idea I grabbed my phone and called Jake. "Hey baby, I just had to phone you so I could hear your voice. I miss you so much." Jake could tell I was worried and nervous. He always finds a way to calm me down. "Hi beautiful, it's so good to hear your voice I miss you to baby soon we will be married and we never had to be apart again plus there is the honeymoon"

I could hear the giggle in Jake's voice which made me smile so much, "before I go I just want to say that I love you so much Jake" I felt a warm feeling spread throughout my body when I heard Jake's next words "I love you to Mrs Dillon" we both hang up the phone and I can't stop smiling soon I will become Mrs Jake Dillon. Jessy helped me get into my dress. It was a light lavender colour with a flower pattern on the side. A few more hours later and I was already to go to the church the car had arrived and was waiting outside.

"This is it Jessy, the moment I have been waiting for ever since Jake entered my life" Jessy handed MC her flowers after she had gotten into the car. "You look amazing MC Jake's going to fall in love with you even more when he sees you" a light blush spread across MCs face at Jessy's words. After a few more minutes of driving they had arrived at the hotel. Jessy helped MC get out of the car handing MC her flowers.

Jake's POV
Today is the big day. I am waiting for MC to arrive. I can't wait to see how beautiful she looks in her dress. I can't wait to do so many firsts as a married couple. I do have a surprise for MC. I have arranged for us to fly first class to Paris for our honeymoon. I have asked the hotel to have a bottle of non alcoholic champagne ready and have the room scattered with rose petals.

The music starts and MC is guided down the aisle by her father, once at the altar MC stood in front of Jake with tears of happiness in her eyes. They both took each other's hands and said their vows and the I do's they were now officially married. They walked back down the aisle hand in hand with smiles on their faces at the reception they were introduced for the first time as Mr and Mrs Dillon. 

Everyone had a fantastic time. There was lots of dancing and laughter, Dan had gotten down on one knee and asked Jessy to marry him which she accepted. After the reception was over Jake and MC went up to their hotel room Jake insisted on carrying MC over the threshold. Giggles could be heard from MC as Jake carried her into the room he carefully put her down on the bed. "Come here Mr Dillon I need to inspect the contents of your pants" a smirk spread across Jake's face as he moved closer to his wife. "I'm afraid your dress is going to have to come off Mrs Dillon. A full inspection of your body is needed" they both fell back on the bed kissing each other running their hands all over each other's body.

After their first night together as a married couple they both work up in each other's arms kissing each other good morning. "Good morning baby, how did you sleep?" MC smiled at Jake's words looking into his ocean blue eyes. "with you next to me I slept perfect baby" Jake leaned in and kissed MC on the lips. Jake closed the gap between them, heating things up between them after they finished they both lay panting and catching their breath. After a long shower together they had breakfast together and then went to pack before the car arrived to take them to the airport.

Hand in hand they boarded the plane and got shown to their seats, "Jake this is first class I thought?" Jake kissed MCs hand softly and smiled. "I upgraded our seats, I wanted us to travel in comfort" MC sat down still holding Jake's hand. "I love you Jake, this is amazing I've never been in first class before" Jake pecked MCs cheek taking in her scent. "I love you to MC, only the very best for my wife"

After a few more hours of flying they arrived in Paris, a taxi took them to the hotel they were staying at. The hotel they were staying at was beautiful; there were flowers all around the entrance, inside there were white gold marble posts. It gave the reception area a light, fresh look after they checked in they got shown to their room. MCs eyes widened in amazement at what she was seeing "it's beautiful Jake, you really did all this for us" Jake wrapped his arms around MCs waist. "I wanted us to have a romantic night together, I've arranged room service tonight we eat on the balcony"

MC turner and kissed Jake on the lips after everything that had happened she was truly happy she was in the arms of her forever love. Jake had never been happier having MC by his side ment the world to him; she had convinced him to hold off on the government/FBI revenge until they had come back from their honeymoon.

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