Chapter 29 - Not Again.

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A/N ~ If there is anything that I got wrong about the Villisca Ax Murder House, please let me know. *All of the information that is in this chapter is from the Villisca Ax Murder House's official website* TW - Talk of abuse

POV - Kyle

"Are we sure we still want to do this?" Liam asks.

Jules, Liam, Logan, and Kyle are all sitting in Jules and Kyle's hotel room. With everything that was happening last night it wasn't surprising that at least one of them was having mixed feelings about this.

"You guys don't have to, but I still am. It's the least we can do right now. We'll talk about everything when we get home." Jules answers, walking out of the hotel room.

"What's their problem?" Logan asks, sitting on Kyle's bed.


Everyone knew the problem. Jules was pissed at what happened to Kyle. Even though Jules wasn't pissed at Kyle, he still thought that it was his fault.

"It's not your fault Kyle." Logan says, putting a hand on his shoulder, "None of it is. Stop thinking like that."

"Are we ready?" Liam asks, stepping out of the bathroom.

"Yeah. Let's go."


"Hey guys! Welcome back to another video! Today, we are here with Jules, Liam, Logan, Kyle, Seth, and Amanda at the Villisca Ax Murder House." Colby yells into the camera.

"Now, the crime that was committed here is very tragic. In 1912 eight people were brutally murdered. Two adults and six children. This small town was a close-knit community so everyone became paranoid. Josiah B. Moore and Sarah Montgomery were the two adults killed while their kids Herman, who was eleven at the time, Katherine, who was ten, Boyd and Paul, who were around the ages of seven and five.

"Now Katherine was close friends with Lena Stillinger, who was twelve, and Ina May who was eight. They were sleeping over at the Moore house the night of the murders. It is believed that Lena fought back against the axe murderer. Sadly, no one was ever convicted of the murders but there were a ton of suspects." Sam finishes.

"Are we ready?" Amanda asks, taking a step forward.

"Let's go talk to some ghosts." Seth adds, walking into the building.


"Alright, these are just two normal red and blue Walmart flashlights for yes and no questions. This is a music box, it plays creepy music if it detects something walking over it. This is a rem pod, it will detect if something is near and this red light will turn on and will make a noise." Sam explains to the audience.

"This is just some of the few ways that we will be communicating to the ghosts tonight. Now how do you four mainly do the flashlight way of communicating?" Colby asks Jules, Liam, Logan, and Kyle.

"Normally we make red 'yes' and 'blue' no. So what it would look like is you would ask a yes or no question." Jules pauses, thinking of a question, "is anyone here with us?"

Both flashlights turn on

"Okay, okay. So we're going to ask a few 'yes' and 'no' questions. If the answer is 'yes' turn on the red flashlight. If it's a 'no', turn on the blue flashlight. Do you understand?"

Both flashlights turn off

"Are you a child spirit?" Jules asks.

Red flashlight turns on.

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