Prince Noe; The Tyrant pt.4

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Noe finds himself later that night clutching onto his three-year-old half-brother, the second prince. Kneeling and hugging him as if begging while Lore stands, all of this by the bedside. His sobbing and Lore's signature lichen green pajamas get slightly wet from Noe's tears. Noe keeps repeatedly saying sorry, whatever he can get out between sobs.

"It's okay, it's okay," Lore pats Noe on the back however much he can. This Makes Noe stop clutching onto his brother and instead hug him softly.

"I'm sorry," Noe whispers, and this time actually means it for Lore himself. Instead of the suffocating pity about who he will become. Noe straightens out Lore's clothes before getting up from his kneeling position. Ruffles Lore's hair and tries for a smile.

"Sorry about that, let's get you in bed, I'll read you a story,"

Lore looks confused but eventually nods his head and crawls into his big bed, watching Noe crouch by the bookshelf of colorful books.

"Which one do you want me to read?" Noe turns his head slightly so he can see Lore lying on the bed staring at him.

"Hmm.. I want the prince siblings!" When Lore says it, it's quite loud since they are the only ones in the room. The only light sources from the single candle lit on the right bedside and the luminous moon that sees fit to sneak in from between the drapes.

"Okay," Noe nods slightly, his breath coming out as a weak tremble.

He gets up from his crouch in front of the bookshelf and goes over back to the left side of the bedside, easily fitting himself in place next to the 3-year-old. The book holds an off-white color but with two collaged small figures of what seem to be kids, both with blond hair, the smaller one with pinkish red eyes similar to an albino bunny. Lore reaches over and touches them because they are similar to his eyes. Noe tries to gracefully open the book with his 6-year-old hands and begins reading,

"Once upon a time..."

They never get to finish the ending together because Lore always falls asleep. The book is a sad ending. Noe knows what their father looks like, blond hair and albino red bunny eyes. He doesn't know what kind of humor the current king has cultivated to do this. He lightly scoffs, involuntarily, the candlelight going out and the moon again greeting him. He softly shuffles off the bed and tries to tuck in Lore however much he can. Exiting the room with practiced silence.

Down the halls into another one, then another one, and another one till he finally is at his room.

He knows it's a possibility that someone knows of his escapades but no one has stopped him yet and the consequences are worth it when they do come. He promises himself to see it like that. This is the last visit he will be making to his dear younger brother. Even without magic Lore will slowly forget.

a/n: I think I was inspired by some style of fanfiction in this one and also wrote this on my phone. if I recall correctly.

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