What Now!? pt. 3

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Yuka had watched Goro leave the classroom in such haste that his legs seemed to tangle together. She nibbled on her bottom lip some more and waited, unsure if she should follow him. After a while, it was evident that he was not coming back and there were ten minutes before math ended. Yuka had waited too long to ask to go to the bathroom. Plus as a new student, how would anyone expect her to know where the bathroom was, it would look weird. She made a harsh mark with her pencil. Her deskmate could sense her concentration and assumed that she was a hard-working student. Yuka continued to finish her practice problems till the bell rang. But through that time Yuka was putting her anger through her math skills. She thought about it. It was obvious and not too strange for Goro to skip classes whenever he felt like it. It was harsh to expect Yuka to remember everything. Today was her first day at this school in 19 years, This reassured her a little but she was still reluctant and wanted to find Goro just in case. Yuka wasn't sure where to start looking for him though.

As soon as the bell rang, she turned to her side and said with a charming small smile "That student, do you know his name?"

Her deskmate was a girl with a short stature, her hair color was a deep chestnut and styled in a bob-cut, and her eyes were round and cute. Yuka was familiar with the girl's looks but because she was so timid, Yuka didn't get to know her too much in her last life. Yuka remembered being flocked by a group of girls at lunchtime and soon after she didn't have as many interactions with her deskmate, besides the minimum ones required. She also found herself envious at times of the girl because the girl inspired a feeling of needing to be protected. Yuka reminisced and thought about how easy life was back then, now that she had a second chance, she would take everything here.

"Um, who?" The girl asked back.

"Ah, that boy who ran to the bathroom? He didn't come back."

At Yuka's reply, the girl's clear eyes conveyed uncertainty about what to share.

"His name is Ishida Goro, his behavior is a little..." she trailed off not wanting to say anything too bad. She truly was a kind girl.

At that moment two girls approached and Yuka couldn't pry any further. She would have to wait.

Goro woke up blearily, feeling the vibration from his phone go off. He sat up by swinging his legs till his feet met the floor and then touched his head feeling a slight ache. He hoped a dizzy spell wouldn't hit him. His hand sloppily reached into his pocket. He was really out of it, he didn't even bother to move the phone before he fell asleep. Looking at the phone now, he was reminded of how out of time he was. Sure, the phone was good quality but not as good as he had it when he was roller coaster girl. with a swipe, he found the reason why his phone buzzed. 

Chunky-Teeth0Servant#1:  Boss, we did what you asked, see you tomorrow with success!

"Ugh, I'm not into roleplay." Goro snidely commented to himself. He needed to talk to those two clingy fools about how they were calling him. 

He rubbed his forehead. This sucked, sick two times in this body and it hasn't even been a year. He should stay away from Yuka but it looks like that's gonna be hard with them being in the same class. Good thing Goro hardly sees Yuu. If he can't see Yuu, he won't see Yuka.

'I wonder why'  Roller Coaster girl sarcastically asked, similar to an echo in his mind.

"Just stop, I'm a two-bit villain," he shivered in cringe, "not some wanna-be-body with a chunnibyou complex."

'And yet here we are, talking to ourselves.'

He looked at the phone and breathed a shaky sigh. He had told those two to go fish him a blue pearl. How could they have done that so quickly? Goro deliberately told them to achieve it by their own hands meaning they would have to get scuba diving lessons and probably licenses. Was three weeks enough time? Plus, Goro, himself wasn't sure if blue pearls were real. He randomly spouted something at the time thinking that there wasn't an ocean nearby sending them as far as he could which really wasn't far, because, after a while, he figured he was in Japan. His phone lit up and the time showed it had been two hours since he left class. That was earlier than what he was expecting when he went to sleep. In his memories, both lives, he was never a diligent student. His phone buzzed with another notification.

Blocky-Skull0Servant#2:   Boss! We brought an extra gift! It was my idea!

Another buzz came from the phone.

Chunky-Teeth0Servant#1:  no. Boss, it was my idea.

Goro huffed through his nose in amusement and then turned his notifications off. He waited for a while on the bed in silence before getting up. He could feel the stretch in his unused muscles from sleeping too long on the stiff bed. He turned his head back and gave the bed a nasty look before heading towards the door and walking into the hallway. He saw a few kids but knew most students were in the cafeteria. He was sure that Yuka would be there too. In the story, the narrator depicts her as a social butterfly. 

That wasn't the only reason why he was sure though, It had more to do with Yuka's appearance. It would be odd if his peers left her alone. 

After Roller Coaster Girl got punted into the pavement and then into his body in some ways, Goro gained some doubts over the story's validity. The narrator was Yuka and clearly, there was more to this world than Yuka's perspective given his experience and colliding memories. Gore was both fascinated and terrified of Yuka's existence. It was like seeing the protagonist's halo effect in action. He would have to be cautious. 

Goro wanted to be realistic about it but dying twice without anyone knowing became the quota and how realistic was that?  Should he be complaining? It was a good thing he wasn't being accused of body-snatching. Yet. 

He brushed some students with his shoulder while heading towards the cafeteria. Goro caught the scent of bubblegum. It was peculiarly strong. He looked around before stopping awkwardly. 

"I don't need a sidequest," he muttered before striding on. 


a-n, quick template, janky writing, stilted, but an idea. want to flesh out yuka but having hard time, kind of giving ai translation vibes - also how do you guys imagine Goro to look like? 

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