transmigration into a villain? pt. 2

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"So, Gina, do you regret trying to help Masanori," I asked without preamble, turning to look at his face.

Gina was a good kid with a naively sharp mind and always would've been if it weren't for Masanori's journey as a protagonist. If anything Gina had better qualities as a protagonist, he was easily loveable, easily moldable. Those were my new thoughts regarding him, even now he did not hate me as much as he could've. His school life was plummeting, in grades and socially but he had hope. As I stared at him, not as Hajime alone but also as that girl I once was, I felt empathy.

pov switch-

Gina didn't hate Hajime but that didn't mean he was not scared or resentful. Gina shook, his glasses slightly moving. There was a cool breeze and it was a beautiful day but Hajime's attention on Gina made all those observations invalid.

He looked down, "No, I don't regret it," the answer was unnecessarily louder than it had to be.
Hajime stood up and Gina clenched his jaw preparing for a strike but instead, there was only a hand on his shoulder that was gone as quickly as it arrived.

"Good, that means you won't regret meeting me."
At Haijime's words, Gina looked up in bewilderment before he could control himself.
Hajime was still standing there, he looked younger and calmer.
Gina's bewilderment was still clear on his face and Hajime tried to hide his laugh by looking to the side. It didn't work as much as Hajime thought it would.
"Let me give you some insight into my thoughts," Hajime recomposed and looked back at Gina.
"Gina, you're a good person but that doesn't mean shit," he leered.
"And I've been pretty bored lately, so I'm deciding to give you a choice," he paused looking for something on Gina's face, " You can leave right now and my group will pretend that we never knew you, or you can stay but you'll probably change that attitude of regret and maybe more." Hajine shrugged his shoulders, knowing what he said was stupid in itself.
Something in Gina's gut flipped and he felt a pit of anger rise.
"You really expect me to leave," Gina answered heatedly.
What was the reason for standing up for Masanori then? What was the reason for the past two weeks, of torture and petty appeasement? Then he looked at Hajime again and quickly realized who he was talking to, the anger fading but the resentment still cooly simmering, making its way back home.
"So, you're gonna be my forever lackey," Hajime raised a brow.

It wasn't a reaction that Gina was prepared for, he was prepared for anger and violence but the last few minutes were proving odd.
Hajime clapped his hands together in what seemed like finality.

"Okay, well... you were already my bitch I suppose," Hajime's hands were on his chin in a thinking pose.

He then pointed at Gina.
"First mission, become the smartest person in the grade!"

With the rapid change in direction of the conversation, Gina was feeling lost.
Hajime walked past Gina and clapped him on his shoulder for one last word.
"Report in three weeks, oh, also try to be more sociable," he added as an afterthought.

A-N- short ch. on my phone, also this is old, at the time I thought it was cringe, still is, when I become retrospective about it. Also, gonna add more to the 'what now,' already have a ch. written up just gotta edit some things, it'll still be pretty bad but better than worse.

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