Letter In a Blue Envelope

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bedside lamp's flickering lights
lose all chances to fight
there were silent noises at night
echoing darkness and fright

walk in the desert of pain
waiting for that heavy rain
thinking it would keep you sane
but you ended your yet to start game

tainted glass of hopes
above your head was a tied-rope
clung to it and pain will elope
you left a letter in a blue envelope

it says, "i'll bleed for i can't breath
there are these lullabies in my head
i hide for i don't wanna fret
i don't know where this monster will lead"

"they say, you're bigger than your anxiety
little did you know i can't decipher this uncertainty
words cut me then lost my sanity
i hate silence, loud voices, enormity"

"probably you didn't see any trace of me
you won't ever heard, understand or see
this sad memoirs i'll keep when i flee
i think you won't ever miss someone like me"

"tell me that i'm being overdramatic
i felt this, no occurrences, not systematic
when panic attacks hit me, it's automatic
it was like everything falls apart and i'm static"

"Hear me out, but your stories cut me off
i have to begin to hide that side that's soft
i have to tell that my stories are being left off
i had to shut the fuck off, my life off"

"if ever you gotten this short letter
thank you for quite sometime with you, i feel better
i wish i wasn't this good, wasn't this clever
for i know for you i'm just a fraction that matter "

"goodbye, hang in there, i won't be here
please just go and don't leave a tear
for i know those won't make it any better
in life, we have finale, and mine is here deep under"

Love and Other Anxiety: a poetry collection Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum