1 - Scones

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The brass bell rings as gusts of cool winter air bluster the tablecloths and send delicate flakes scattering beyond the path outside. The door swings lightly being carefully caught by the operator followed by the smooth footsteps across creaking floorboards. He's arrived; but who with?

Y/N hadn't seen him for at least 6 months and the fact he was no more than 10 metres distance from her was enough to cause the teacup to shatter as her grip on it faded. A word between them had never been spoken but the looks that played upon her eyes told stories of a person completely enchanted by the beauty and mystery of another.

Though she herself didn't attend Hogwarts school, she was sure to keep track of the scheduled Hogsmeade visits via her mother, Poppy Pomfrey. Her excuse was to know when to notify Madam Puddifoot to stock up on produce for the shop, however the reason had more to do with her heart than the amount of flour needed for 8 dozen batches of scones.

Promptly, she fastened the apron tightly around her waist, tucked away the flaying hairs from her bun, and pulled on a clean pair of lace gloves as the previous pair had been doused in strawberry jam while preparing a table for its next guest. She bit her lip nervously as she fumbled folding napkins readily behind the counter.

Quickly grasping a notepad and pencil she hopefully walked as calmly as possible over to the table where he and the irrelevant girl were seated. Irrelevant she may have been but lacking a fair façade, she was not.

Oh, what Y/N would give to be in her position? To be the one gazing so admiringly into his stormy eyes like the luckiest girl on the earth; because not only would she have the pair of gorgeous eyes of a flawless person in front of her, but the eye contact would also be reciprocated.

"Good afternoon, Sir, Ma'am. What may I get for you today?" Y/N politely greeted them, her hands shaking with the fear of embarrassment, her skin reddening a few shades as the boy scanned the menu intensely before speaking in a deepened version of the same silky voice she remembered from his last visit.

"I think it'll be 2 cream teas for us, Lovely – but would you be able to put a scoop of ice-cream on the side of my plate please? Don't mind the flavour but if you could make it happen, you'd be a star." she nodded exuberantly, responded with a 'yes of course, I'll see what I can do', and turned to prepare the treats.

However untraditional his request for the ice-cream was, Y/N was never going to refuse him – she'd figure out a way to get a scoop of ice-cream, only for him.

"Did I hear that right, Pomfrey?" a busied Madam Puddifoot said over her shoulder as Y/N returned to the kitchen, "You agreed to serve that young man something that we don't offer?" The tone of knowing and playfulness didn't meet the receiver's ears as she panicked thinking she was in major trouble with her employer.

"Yes, I'm sorry Madam but I couldn't possibly say 'no' to the request. I didn't want to dissatisfy a customer; you've always told me it's not good for business."

"No, I don't believe you can say 'no' to Mr Black. Don't think I don't see you whenever he's here; the confident Y/N suddenly worrying about the state of her gloves when the jammed up state would usually suffice." The older woman smirked, rolling her eyes as the girl tried to find her words. "Now get on with the cream teas." she laughed.

"Y-yes Madam." she stuttered, scrambling through her satchel in the backroom to retrieve her wand – a beautiful, intricately designed glass wand; completely handmade and glittered with white iridescent sparkles. 

After magically producing the perfect formulation of ice-cream via a homemade spell, Y/N plated up the two scones with jam and clotted cream, along with steaming hot teas neatly situated upon china saucers. Once more she carefully weaved in between the tables, eventually reaching her destination where the couple were enveloped in conversation.

"And that's why McGonagall has given James and I detention until-" said Sirius before pausing at the arrival of their food.

"Here is your cream tea, Sir, with the addition of ice-cream." she gaily smiled earning a friendly one in return. "And for you Ma'am." Only she barely let the corners of her mouth rise but spoke pleasantly all the same. "Enjoy." 

"Thank you very much, Lovely." Sirius Black said, turning back to the girl opposite him. 

Y/n buried her hands inside her apron pocket and approached a pair of customers sitting patiently in the window seat before taking their orders and returning to the kitchen once more. 

"Haven't you checked the clock recently, Dear? Your shifts over now, Weasley's on." Madam Puddifoot's reminded her, pointing through the door to the tall grandfather clock ticking rhythmically by the desk. 

"Sorry, Madam, I must've lost track of time... I complete this order then I'll disappear until next week." Without the mountain of precision she applied to Sirius' order, she plated 2 slabs of Victoria sponge cake and took to the floor, giving the plates to the customers, and pondering mindlessly. 

He was still there; laughing, smiling, talking, with the girl whose golden hair resembled sunshine on a comforting summer morning and whose voice sounded like a singing angel. 'Maybe she's a Veela?' Y/n wondered, 'That's probably why he likes her.' 

"If you want him to think you're a complete and utter creep, staring at him is one way of going about it." Molly's voice broke the trance-like state absorbing Y/n as she whipped her head to face the red haired woman standing beside her. 

"I wasn't staring. I was daydreaming - and not about him." she said, packing her apron hastily into her bag and passing the orders notebook to Molly.

"Sure you were." she replied very unconvinced and accompanied by an eye roll. "I've got kids and a husband, I can tell when someone's lying." 

"Oi! Don't compare me to a 6 year old, I am a very skilled liar! Thank you very much!" Y/n retaliated, throwing a coat over her shoulders and burying her head inside a woollen bobble hat (curtesy of a Mrs Weasley). "I'm guessing you got a baby-sitter for Billy, Charlie, and Percy - but I'm more-often-than-not free to help out. I'd love to see them again." 

"I know you would however I simply can't justify stealing you away from your job at St Mungo's - people need your healing talents more than I need a baby-sitter." Molly said placing her hand upon Y/n's shoulders for reassurance, "But when you do get the chance, Christmas perhaps, you're definitely welcome - Little Bill misses you." 

Her eyes flicked to the grandfather clock, panic flushing her face, "Tell him I miss him too but I must be going or Cecily Macmillan will have my head if I don't get to work on time for the second time with week." she waved vigorously behind her, falling into a run across the tiled floor (narrowly missing the embarrassment of tripping over a sticking out chair leg). "I'll catch up with you soon Molly." she called, flinging the shop door open and snow flakes instantly frosting the end of her nose. 

Hogwarts students poured in and out of every shop, carrying handfuls of bags with a variety of different brandings; Honeydukes, Zonko's, and Gladrags Wizardwear. Joyful chatter overpowered the blustering weather along with the repetitive sound of smashing snowballs being fired at friends and the ghoulish mimics near the Shrieking Shack of those trying to scare unknowing third years.

 With a single glance through the window, she observed him one last time before apparating to London. Being 17, Y/n had easily passed her test 3 days following her birthday - unlike Hogwarts students who usually had to wait until they had returned home to take it - she didn't have the hurdle of school laying in her path. 

Shortly, her surrounding morphed into the entrance hall of St Mungo's to which was deeply engraved into her mind. Her colleagues were racing from place to place in their work clothes, some with potions trapped under their arms, some with baskets of wound wrappings, and even the odd one with a strangely shaped plant in his or hers arms. 

"You've arrived exactly 39 seconds before you'd be classified as late - cutting it very fine if you ask me, Pomfrey." the draining voice of the Head Healer resonated as she met face to face with the stern features of Cecily Macmillan. "Any later and you could have lives or rather deaths on your hands. Get on top of your punctuality!" she demanded. 

"I'm here, am I not?" Y/n snapped, furiously looking at the older woman, rudely storming away and up the stairs to the first floor. Though the Head Healer was at least quadruple the age of the latter, she could not bring herself to fire Y/n as a healer as she was by far the best one on the team. 

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