12 - The After Party

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A/N: Mentions of drinking is featured in this chapter so if you feel uncomfortable by that please skip and I'll see you in the next one. Also, I'm sorry for the later upload, this chapter was strange to write and I don't particularly like it but it's needed for the next part of the story (it's basically a filler chapter). Thank you to everyone who's reading - it really boosts my confidence, love you x

The group of seven exited the changing rooms to meet Peter and Remus hovering outside the door. Sirius slung his arm around Y/n's shoulder, not thinking much of it. Though she felt her heart skip in her chest when his hand tightly squeezed onto her shoulder. Her face visibly reddened and flushed yet if anyone were to question it, she'd say for a March day, she was boiling.

James tried to copy his best friend's actions with Lily but unfortunately for him, she violently shoved him away and pulled Mary with her as she sped up. He sighed and walked in line with Remus and Peter. 

They were convoying to the Gryffindor party being held in celebration for their Quidditch win. 

"Hopefully, if it's anything like the usual parties, they'll be music, drinking, dancing, and everyone will have a good time." Sirius informed her, "You are coming too, aren't you?" 

She lifted her chin to meet his eyes, "Are you sure that I'd be welcome there?" 

"You're going and that's final." he said tucking a loose piece of hair behind her ear. "Honestly, no one will mind. We will all drink a bit of firewhisky and have a laugh..." Sirius paused, "unless you're too busy." he smirked, gazing into her eyes. They mesmerized him for moments while she took time thinking of a response. 

"Erm... no, no. I'm sure it'll be fun," she smiled, turning her face away, "the party." 

The rest of the gang were now out of sight, "Come along slow coach!" he encouraged. Sirius moved his grip from her shoulder to her hand and began tugging as he fell into a run. They sprinted together across the courtyard, soon arriving at the portrait entrance for the Gryffindor common room. 

"Cor Leonis," he whispered, "better not tell anyone, Pomfrey, or who knows might get in. Follow me." 

Within a second on entering the common room, she heard the songs blaring through amplified speakers. Both muggle and wizard music. 

"This is madness..." she muttered under her breath.

"You might be right there but if you haven't noticed, that's the Wizarding world from a muggle's point of view," Sirius joked, dragging her further into the crowd. "Come on, we need to find the others."

The common room was more homely than she could have ever imagined. Scarlet and maroon colours covered the furniture, balancing out the golden yellows ones. The fire was burning brightly and the evening sunlight crept through the narrow tower windows. 

"James!" he called, waving manically with his free hand as he spotted his friend group, "James!"

"We'd wondered where you two had got to." Potter said. Y/n looked around everyone settled with him. Lily was talking with Marlene and Dorcas. Mary with Peter. And Remus had curled himself up on the armchair, tensed, and staring into space. He wasn't paying any attention to what James or Sirius was saying - completely trapped in thought. 

"This one," Sirius stood behind Y/n and placed his hands on each of her shoulders, "was worried about coming but I told her it'll be fine." 

"Course it will." James smiled, "Why don't we have a small drink to loosen up a bit?" He said 'small' as if there was any truth to it.

So they all agreed. Even Remus. 

He summoned nine glasses to the table beside them, and filled each one to the brim with liquid. They drained each one easily, then joining those already dancing.

A Little Bit of Magic [siriusblackxreader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang