9 - How the Magic Works

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As soon as Y/n arrived at St Mungo's, all hell was breaking lose. Healers were running back and forth across the foyer as patients were shouting and demanding assistance for their pain. 

It was clear there had been another attack. 

Scanning around the room in hope of making sense of what was going on, she made eye contact with the receptionist who widened her eyes when a certain witch appeared behind Y/n. Noticing this, Y/n turned very slowly until she came face to face with an unhappy Cecily MacMillan. 

The women was emitting frustration and stress as well as her tone of voice emphasising this further, "Thank goodness you're here, Pomfrey!" She wasn't going off on a raging fit towards Y/n, she seemed to be pleased to see her - this was new. "I need you on the fourth floor immediately. Several aurors and highly important magicfolk to the war effort have been tragically injured by the ambush on Oxford Street this afternoon." she guided Y/n to the lift, stopping on the spot in the middle of traffic. "We're doing all we can though I'm sure you could do better." and with that, Cecily prodded the glowing number four button and pushed the girl into the lift before it snapped shut.

Upon seeing her appearance through the grate, a trio of Healers practically dragged the alarmed 17 year old out (almost causing her to trip in the process) and shoved her at great speed into the nearest room. There was a young woman laying on the white sheeted bed who was constantly slipping in and out of sleep - one minute her eyes were wide open, the next she was echoing soft snores. Additionally, dark purple bruises crawled up her legs and arms giving the sense she had endured an extraordinary amount of pain and suffering before sinking into the mattress. 

"Emmeline Vance." Y/n said reading the medical bracelet around the lady's wrist, "Twenty-three years old, Essence of Dittany used on bruises for pain relief, and a Calming Draught to induce natural sleep and regulate increased heart rate." 

Y/n felt bad to spoil the little sleep the woman was getting but she needed to speak with her patient. "Ms Vance, Ms Vance..." she cooed sweetly, startling the latter, "I need you to tell me exactly what damage has been done to you in order to help you." 

Emmeline looked exhausted and highly reluctant but realising the girl wasn't going to go away, she eventually began to talk stiffly and unwelcomingly. "Death Eaters uncovered a hiding base a group and I were using. They lit the place up. A couple of us tried to hold down the fort while the less experienced of the troop got out (at least I hope they got out)" she mumbled grimly. "The few inside were cornered. All kinds of curses were thrown - I being on the receiving end of good ole' Crucio."

Y/n was stunned by this. She'd dealt with unforgiveable curse survivors before but they never usually showed so much mental strength to bare discussing it. 

"Everything went black soon after I lost all feeling in my body." 

"Do you know which Death Eater cursed you?" Y/n intrigued.

"They were wearing their stupid masks, weren't they?!" she snapped, "Too afraid to show their real identities! Cowards the lot of 'em!" Emmeline continued to mutter insults towards the Dark wizards and Y/n didn't stop her as the relief she was getting her excelling her anger was lowering her heart rate. 

"Ms Vance," the 23 year old looked up, "would you mind placing your hand in mine, please?" 

The two connected hands and Y/n cupped her second hand on top. She closed her eyes and focused on the energy pooling into her fingertips. "Relax for me." Emmeline, though rather confused, tried to untense her muscles but kept her eyes open due to being sceptical of what was happening. 

A course of tingling red energy transferred from on body to another, paralysing the effects of the negative magic. The patient's eyes widened to the size of golf balls, part of her wanting to yank her hand away yet the other part relishing the feeling of lessening pain.

A Little Bit of Magic [siriusblackxreader]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz