2 - Girl Number Two

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A week had passed since the last sighting of Sirius Black, and the second Saturday of December had quickly overturned along with mountainous, heaping snow gathering outside the Teashop's window. Like every weekend, Y/n spent the time from shop opening until four in the afternoon before leaving for her main bill payer at St Mungo's. 

Her apron was neatly fastened, her hair this time in a plait, and her trainers from the week prior switched out for a stunning pair of glossy white heels. A rose lip added to the purple work dress nicely, and the charm bracelet hanging loosely from her wrist jangled with every swift movement. 

"Y/n, you don't need to doll yourself up for a boy, you're amazing under all circumstances." Molly said as the latter was fussing over her appearance in the mirror hung from the wall, "Also, there's no guarantee he'll come in - seeing as he was here only last week." 

"You don't think I realise that? But knowing my luck, if I don't make an effort, he definitely will come. I simply can't risk it." she murmured, pulling her sleeves down her arms. "Can you see my eye bags?" She hadn't been receiving as much sleep lately as she probably should've been due to her boss working her overtime in order to keep up with the number of patients endlessly funnelling through the entrance of the hospital. 12 hour shifts were awful as it was but when extended to 16 hours, the result made her want to resign completely. Fortunately, Y/n was getting paid adequately for the extra hours and therefore didn't feel hard done by. 

"The answers no but it doesn't matter if I can or can't, your appearance is the least interesting thing about you. Think of all the unfathomably fantastic healer things you can do." Molly reassured, patting the girl on the head and getting herself ready for the shift. Madam Puddifoot always requires her staff to be looking their best.

Y/n sighed, being reminded of her other job for the umpteenth time. "Molly, I appreciate the compliment, but I'm sure he'd find me rather boring and strange if I started talking about things like 'Oh yeah, I don't go to school, I have to fight the urge everyday to push my boss down the stairs.' or 'I work at St Mungo's where I see people with diseases on a daily.' or 'Something about me is: 4 days ago I saw someone's whose hand had been entirely bitten off by a dragon.'" The faked enthusiasm amplified her tiredness in her voice. "Not really conversation starters are they?" 

"I'm not saying that they are, I'm saying be yourself." Molly maintained her firm motherly tone. She'd finished putting away her coat so she began shooing the younger girl out the door, fighting against the refusing teenager. "Stop-stop, you look fine, now go wait on a table." she instructed, taking herself away to do the same. 

Sauntering to the nearest occupied table, Y/n drew her orders notebook from her pocket, flicked wildly to the first clean page, and officially commenced her waitressing duty for the day.


As the ornate grandfather clock ticked, Y/n's hope was running thin as with every second that passed the saddening feeling that Sirius Black wouldn't be coming loomed over her. She was aware that many Hogwarts students were trapesing up and down the road but none bought any familiarity with them. 

Maybe he took the 'Veela girl' to the Three Broom Sticks? Or maybe he hadn't come to Hogsmeade at all because the formidably cold temperature had sank lower? 

The concepts swept eagerly over her mind, gaining such a fixation that she had not noticed the distinguishable bell had dinged as she placed 5 sickles and 2 knuts into the cash register. He entered the threshold holding the hand of a girl with rolling dark brown hair, an above the knee length floral dress and a warmly coat stretching around her shoulders. He, on the other hand, was sporting a black leather jacket, charcoal jeans, and a hairstyle which had probably taken hours to perfect. It was gracefully falling onto his collarbones with an amount of air sailing through it causing his hair to billow as the door opened and shut upon their arrival. 

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