14 - Can't we be Friends?

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A/N: Okay, let's try to resolve the conflict I accidently created because it's bUgGiNg me xx

With no disrespect to McGonagall, Y/n had no intention of finding Sirius for the purpose of taking him to the Professor. She knew that if she were to do that, he would undoubtedly receive many detentions for whatever he'd done and it was a one-way ticket to Glare + Ignore Town. A place where Sirius paid no attention to her forevermore.  

Even though there was the possibility that evading the detentions could get him in more trouble, Y/n felt that prolonging the time in which McGonagall didn't come into contact with the boy could make the Professor realise it doesn't matter anyway. 

All that being said, Y/n still had no clue as to what he'd done in the first place. With or without James' accompaniment. 

It couldn't be that bad. 

"Cor Leonis." she approached The Fat Lady portrait, who happily greeted her and permitted her access to the Gryffindor common room. 

 Lazing across an entire sofa, his feet pitched on one armrest, his hands supporting his head on the other, Sirius Black was conversing with James, Remus, and Peter about the matter at hand. 

"-and that's when I jumped onto the table and accidently crushed the candle I was supposed to be transfiguring - it splattered all up my jumper, here, look!" Peter was eagerly listening, Remus was only listening so he could predict how many weeks of detention his friend would get, and James had been in the classroom at the time so he was listening but his focus was mainly on the letter he was writing. "Let's just say Minnie wasn't very impressed." 

"I'd bet as much," Remus mumbled, his eyes not straying from his homework assignment, "Padfoot. Please tell me what possessed you, as McGonagall put it before you snatched her hat off her head and left the classroom - 'to act as an incompetence, a mass disruption, and someone who has great lack of respect for their fellow peers'?—" 

"Alright, I know it sounds really bad when you say it like that," Sirius interjected, his finger raised in a pointing and authoritative fashion, "but she only said that last part because I threw my textbook at Snivellus—" 

"WHY?!" Remus demanded, looking Sirius dead in the eye. Peter watched from the side lines, joined by James who had put his quill down for a moment, both hoping one wouldn't bite the other's head off during this spat. "How much firewhiskey did you drink last night?! A fountain full?! Or was it a whole lake?!"  

"Oh, come off it!" he sat up, returning the harsh stare, "It was a Quidditch party. What do you expect?!" 

"I expect you to know when we have a lessons the following day after a party so you don't run wild!" Sirius clenched his jaw, not believing what he was hearing. 

If this had happened a year ago, Remus would've thought nothing of it and simply told him to make sure not to get in trouble next time, but lately Remus had been acting slightly different. Getting angrier faster in situations. Noticeably more stressed. And becoming increasingly agitated. 

The boys passed it off as something to do with the full moon, but James was starting to rethink his judgement while the redness accumulated on Remus' face. He never got this angry so easily. 

Out of the corner of James' eye, he saw Y/n cautiously walking up to the group. She stopped 20 feet away, feeling the tension radiating from the now-standing pair. He raised an eyebrow, questioning whether she'd suffered a lack of behaviour control like Sirius had from the firewhiskey. 

"Sirius, we all know you would have never drank that much if she wasn't there—" Remus' homework assignment had fled from his mind and ran off the table as his arms flayed around in annoyance. He was determined to voice his thoughts for once.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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