Chapter 1

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"Katsuki get back here!" Mitsuki called but Bakugou wouldn't listen. He hid behind some boxes as his mom searched the other way. Once there was no sign of his mom, he got up and ran to the court near by.

He sat in the front seats and watched as Marcus L/n played basketball. You see, Marcus L/n was super famous. He was famous for being the best basketball player in Japan. Bakugou wanted to be just like him.

Suddenly, a girl his age came running down and sat right beside him. She breathed loudly which caught his attention. "Hey could you shut up?" He blurted, turning his head back to Marcus.

"Excuse you? I just ran over here and-"

"I don't really care. Just be quiet." Bakugou ordered, continuing to watch. The girl rolled her eyes and noticed who he was looking at.

"Oh you like him? Marcus L/n?" The girl asked.

"Yeah, so what?" He replied, raising an eyebrow.

"That's my dad." The girl flexed, but Bakugou only laughed.

"That's your dad? Pff, that's funny! There's no way Marcus L/n is your dad!" He cackled. The girl narrowed his eyes at him before calling out to him.

"Dad! Dad!" She yelled, getting Marcus's attention. Marcus smiled and waved at her before shouting the ball.

Just then, in the intercom, someone spoke, "basketball stars, please head back to the locker rooms. It's time for break." Then the basketball players all walked to the locker rooms.

"That's didn't prove that he's your dad. He was probably waving to someone else." Bakugou said in disbelief. The girl smirked at him as her dad came running towards her and scooped her up over his shoulder.

"Hey baby!" Marcus said, showering her with kisses.

"Hey dad!" The girl smiled as Bakugou sat there in shock.

"Why'd you call me over? You're lucky we on break right now!" Marcus asked, setting her down.

"This boy didn't believe when I said that you're my dad so I just had to show him!" The girl replied. Marcus squatted down to the boys level and looked him in the eye.

"You a fan?" He asked, smiling. Bakugou nodded, nervously but at the same time excitedly. "Well son, I can give you an autograph? You want that?" Marcus asked once again. Bakugou nodded instantly. "Alright, where ya want it?" Bakugou pointed to his hat, "hey that's my team!" Marcus said happily as he wrote his name on the hat.

Once he was done, Bakugou took of the hat and admired the writing. Luckily, Marcus wrote it in sharpie to he was sure it wouldn't come off. "T-Thank you!" Bakugou stammered. God I sound so stupid. He thought to himself before looking at Marcus.

"Your welcome little man! Enjoy it!" Marcus said, standing up and grabbing into the girls hand, "now where you mama girl!"

"Over here!" The girl said, pulling Marcus. "Bye bye!" The girl waved. Bakugou wasn't paying attention, he was too busy looking at the writing on his hat. He couldn't believe what just happened and obviously thought it was a dream.

"This can't be real.." Bakugou said to himself, as he turned the hat around in his hands. "This is real!" Bakugou shouted and jumped around in his seat.

"Katsuki!" Mitsuki yelled as she marched over to Bakugou who was too happy in his thoughts. "Why are you so jumpy?" Mitsuki asked.

"Look!" Bakugou showed Mitsuki the signing.

"Oh congratulations!" Mitsuki said, "now how many times do I have to tell you not to run off?!" Bakugou groaned as he got lectured by his mom, but honestly he wasn't listening. "Just wait till I tell your father about you leaving behavior!" Mitsuki stomped.

"Just wait till I tell my friends tomorrow.." Bakugou muttered to himself. He had a feeling that his so called friends would be jealous of him meeting Marcus. Maybe even one day he could play with Marcus.

𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬Where stories live. Discover now