Chapter 12

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After the party, Y/n had just now realized that she never told her dad about her relationship with Bakugou. Honestly, she was scared. It was easy to tell the school, her friends, her mom but she don't count because she found out, but her dad was a whole different story.

He would probably send Bakugou away on a boat if he wanted to, or probably make it to where he couldn't come over anymore or more worse things that Y/n shouldn't think about. As they were leaving the party, Y/n explained to Bakugou what was on her mind.

"Aye Bakugou," Y/n tugged on his sleeve.

"If you're gonna ask me to get on my back like how shitty hair and pinky are then no." Bakugou responded. Y/n looked confused as her eyes shifted to Kirishima and Mina. Mina was knocked out cold on Kirishima's back while Kirishima held her hands, keeping her up on his back.

"First of all, I wasn't gonna ask that and secondly, what if I did. If you said no then I'll just go ask Todoroki." Y/n said.

"Wow, I see how it is." Bakugou said as if he was heart broken.

"I'm just kidding! But, you do know that we never told my dad that me and you are dating right." Y/n told him.

"Shit, we didn't. You can just tell him later today." Bakugou said.

"Why I gotta do it?!" Y/n asked.

"Cause I'm not trying to get my ass beat and he's your dad." Bakugou responded.

"Whatever, but you're coming with me." Y/n declared.

"What, why?" Bakugou asked.

"Because your my boyfriend." Y/n repeated his answer. Bakugou rolled his eyes and agreed to go with her, even though he was lowkey just as scared as her.


Mika was the one that picked up both Bakugou and Y/n. "Wait, wait. Before you two get in the car, let's take a picture so I can send it to Mitsuki!" Mika took her phone out and got out of the car.

"Ma, we took pictures at the dance!" Y/n groaned.

"But you didn't take pictures here now smile!" Mika said, taking the photo. "Ima send it to Mitsuki! Now get in the car." Y/n rolled her eyes and got in the car, scooting over so Bakugou would fit in.

"Your mom sounds whole lot like my mom." Bakugou whispered to Y/n.

"Is that supposed to be a good thing or bad thing?" Y/n asked since Bakugou would tell her about his mom all the time.

"Honestly, I dunno." Bakugou replied, relaxing in the seat.

"Okay." Y/n muttered, laying her head on his shoulder. "Oh uh, mom? I'm planning on telling dad that I'm dating Bakugou, how'd you think he react?" Y/n asked, hoping that she wouldn't get a disappointing answer.

"He'll probably kick Bakugou out and make you never talk to him again," she responded quietly, making Y/n and Bakugou freeze in their seats, "but I won't let him do that or I'll kick his ass. You're in love Y/n! He can't stop that!" Y/n smiled and leaned some more on Bakugou.

"Bakugou's in love to! In love with my baby girl, so it doesn't matter if he's mad or anything cause he knows that he has to except it for you." Mika explained. Even if her mom could be a pain in the ass, she was very good at giving advice. "We're gonna go to your house Bakugou cause if you spending the night, you need clothes. Plus, y/n hasn't met your mom yet which is shocking." Mika said.

Bakugou and Y/n nodded as they waited to get there, not listening to Mika ramble to herself.


"We're here! Now get the fuck out my car!" Mika yelled, startling the two of them. Bakugou opened the door and got out the car, along with Y/n.

Standing in the doorway to Bakugou's house was Mitsuki and Masaru who were waiting for a while now. "Oh my god, she's more prettier in person!" Mitsuki exclaimed, running to Y/n and hugging her. "Hi sweetie! I'm Mitsuki and it's so wonderful to meet you! I'm surprised that Katsuki hasn't invited you over yet." Mitsuki turned to Bakugou and liked him up and down.

"Honestly, I was thinking the same thing." Y/n turned to him as well and did the same thing. Bakugou rolled her eyes and crossed his arms across his chest. "It's nice to meet
you too Mitsuki!"

"Oh please just call me mom!" Mitsuki said, "now come on in! I made food that you're gonna love!" Mitsuki pulled Y/n in by her hand.

"God, they're gonna love each other's company." Bakugou muttered to himself, forgetting Mika was right there next to him.

"It's better than her hating your mom!" Mika exclaimed, "now come in son!" Mika grabbed him by the wrist inside.

"Oh god." Bakugou mumbled as he got pulled into the house.

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