Chapter 14

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Weeks had passed after the dance and it was almost time for the competition. Y/n kept apologizing for not being able to play with him during the event but Bakugou didn't seem to care. "I'll win for you." He had told her. 

Before the game, Bakugou practiced so he already seen people coming in. "You guys are going down!" Bakugou turned his head to see kids from the other school yelling his way. He had his jersey on so people already knew what school he was playing for.

"Shut your mouth asshole!" Bakugou yelled back and flipped them off before going into the locker rooms.

"Don't listen to 'em man. You're gonna do great." His teammate, Insamu, told him. He nodded, knowing that they were going to win and they were going down. "They're just jealous cause they know that they are going down in history as the worst school to play basketball!"

"You're right. I just don't have a specific someone here to tell me that.." Bakugou muttered,"but we'll still win."

"There's your spirit! The games about to start in a minute so we have time to hang out before the whole thing starts." Insamu said as he got up and walked to the bathroom that was in the locker room.

"We're gonna win." He told himself, as if he was talking to Y/n. Bakugou tapped his foot on the floor anxiously. If he didn't see Y/n in the crowd, he didn't know what he was going to do. "God, this shits irritating." He groaned, running his hands through his hair.

Suddenly, in the intercom, someone spoke, "All players to the court! I repeat, All players to the court! Thank you!"

"Oh shit, that's us!" Insamu said as he looked away from his friends, "let's go!" Insamu ran towards the exit to the locker rooms. Bakugou stood up, ignoring the nervousness.

As their teamed walked out, Bakugou scanned the crowd, seeing no sign of Y/n but seen Kirishima, Mina, Denki, Sero, Izuku, and even Todoroki cheering him on.

"Did you call Y/n?" Kirishima asked over the clapping of the rest of the crowd, including himself.

"Yeah, I did but she didn't answer! I hope she's coming!" Mina responded, looking back to the court. "Oh there she is!" Mina pointed down to Marcus, Mika, and Y/n all walking in and walking towards them.

"Sorry, did I miss anything?" Y/n asked as she sat next to Mina.

"Not anything good. All you missed was them walking onto the court and the crowd going wild." Mina replied, "did bakugou see you come in? He seemed a bit paranoid and anxious when we were walking with him here."

"Oh well, he hasn't seen me yet, and I don't think he can see me." Y/n looked directly at Bakugou as he continued to scan the seats, finding nothing.

"Fuck." Bakugou cursed to himself as his hopes were crushed. "Where the fuck is Y/n?" He asked himself, scanning the seats one last time.

"Hey man," Insamu came to him, resting his hand on his shoulder, "don't worry about that right now, she'll show up soon." Insamu reassured. Bakugou hesitated to just stop there now but didn't anyways for the school and his own sake. "The games starting!" Insamu exclaimed.

As the game began, Bakugou played just as neatly as any other time he would play basketball. And over the years, he's gotten hella good at it. He learned from YouTube videos, studying other basketball players, and just by testing himself.

As y/n watched from the crowd, her dad leaned in her ear and whispered, "why aren't you out there? Didn't you sign up?"

"Oh uh, yeah I did sign up, but I didn't know if I was good enough to play in this so I just didn't show up to this.." y/n responded.

"Y/n, you showed me how you can play. Baby, you can dunk for god sake, I learned how to dunk when I was like 20. You're 15." Marcus said.

"I know but, this is a whole other school along with this school. That's a lot of people and if they see me mess up then they'll laugh and make fun of me." Y/n told him.

"Y/n, back then, people used to pick on me all the time. They said that I would never be a good basketball player. Look at me now! I'm the best one in Japan!" Marcus said, pointing at himself, "you said that you didn't erase your name off of there right?"

Y/n nodded confused as her dad pointed to the girls locker rooms, "go in there and I want you to show this school and that school who's daughter you are. Go." Marcus pushed Y/n up and Y/n stumbled. She eventually caught he balance and ran to the other entrance to the locker rooms.

"Y/n! We are so glad you made it, we thought you wouldn't be able to make it!" Y/N's coach, Kiyomi, sighed in relief as Y/n walked into the locker rooms.

"Well, I made it. When I get my jersey on, do you want me to go out there now?" Y/n asked, impatient to get out there.

"No, since they're missing you there you can just quickly run out there and make it seem like you've been there all day!" Kiyomi replied. Y/n nodded as she ran to her locker where her jersey was sitting.

As Bakugou shot the ball into the air, making it, he was praised by his team but his eyes darted to Y/n coming out of locker room. He then heard Marcus screaming, "That's my baby!" from afar.

Y/n walked towards him and stood beside him as he looked at her confused. "I thought you said you couldn't come? What happened to that?" Bakugou asked.

"Changed my mind. Come on, let's not get distracted." Y/n said as she started to get serious. Bakugou smirked as he stood beside her the whole way through.


Y/n dunked at the last minute, earning a point for her team and winning. The crowd went wild when she did. She completely shocked everyone. Her coach came to her with the trophy, congratulating her as her team came and shot her into the air, carrying her as they yelled her name.

Once she was dropped but everyone was still cheering, all her friends came down to congratulate her. "Oh my god girl, you gotta teach me how to do that!" Mina exclaimed and hugged Y/n.

"I will, later." Y/n responded as Kirishima came and hugged her. Eventually everyone except her parents hugged her. Mika came running and pulled her into a huge hug as Marcus stood behind her.

"Oh my gosh, baby, you did so good!" Mika congratulated, hugging her very tightly.

"Thank you ma." Y/n smiled as she looked at her dad.

"I'm so proud of you." He mouthed.

"Thank you," y/n mouthed back, "now get your wife off me." Marcus chuckled as he pulled Mika off of her. Y/n then turned to Bakugou who was running towards her. He picked her up and swung her into the air, startling her. "Damn Katsuki!" She laughed.

"Katsuki? That's new." Bakugou said, setting her down but still having his hands on her hips.

"Yeah, I decided to call you that from now on." Y/n smiled as she rested her hands on his shoulder, "now Katsuki, I need my reward." She smirked.

"You'll get it. For now, you'll get some of it." Bakugou leaned down and kissed Y/n. Y/n kissed back as her friends behind her cheered. "There, is that enough?"

"It was okay, but I am expecting more so that's good." Y/n smiled as Bakugou just rolled his eyes.

"You guys down for a game here? You know, campions only?" Marcus asked, spinning a ball on his finger.

"Yeah!" Y/n replied, moving away from Bakugou. Bakugou just nodded his head.

"Then come on slow pokes!" Marcus ran to the court as Y/n walked after him. Bakugou followed behind him. He's finally getting what he wanted, and an additional member to his life.

𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬Where stories live. Discover now