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Three nights ago...

When asked what things should've never touched the earth, many will say guns, plastic, or humans with the drive to kill. They say these things because over hundreds of years, they have witnessed the effect these things have on either the human race or the world. But let's be honest, many just say they wished these things never existed to please and follow society for they fear it's rejection far more than they do the hands of death. To them, to be alone is to die and to die is to live.

Their fear of rejection has clouded their eyes and worn down their morals. And in return has left them valuable to a much larger and darker evil, which as set it's sights both on the earth and the human race. It seeks out the lonely and brings down the powerful. Hardens the compassionate and softens the angry. It's manipulative, destructive, and powerful. It's tongue is laced with deception, for truly, that is the only way it can take normal minded, innocent people and use them for it's bidding.

But are they truly innocent?

It disguises itself as an innocent being trying to 'help you' and 'make you happy' when in reality it is a big black spider who leaves it's webs of destruction wherever it goes. It traps it's victims in it's sticky webs of lies and watches in delight as they struggle until it becomes bored and drains only one of them of it's blood, slowly killing the person in front of the other and when it's done with the victim of it's choosing it allows their body to fall to the ground and rot as if the person's worth meant nothing to it.

For truly, it didn't...

However, the spider is not done playing it's game. It delights in itself as it releases the other victim and thrusts cheap tape into the persons arms. Why? To tape their shattered heart back together.

Oh, silly spider, don't you know you can't tape broken glass back together, it's edges will only cut through it, and the heart shall fall apart once more...

But it doesn't care if you fall apart for it knows you will either die or you will live. Either way, it wins for it had the chance to play it's games with you as it's pawn, and you'd be a fool if you think it actually cared for you. You were merely a pawn in it's game and your name will never be remembered, for it has already set it's sights on a new set of victims.

After all it's schemes and games, you people still throw yourselves at it, begging for a chance with it. You're so insane that you even chase after it and cry when it leaves you. You worship and even have so dumbly reserved a whole day to celebrate it. You brag when you have it and mourn when you don't. You never once ever allow blame to fall upon it's broad shoulders, and you trust it to no end. You become naïve and place your heart in it's hands and smile when it hands you a shattered heart in exchange.

It thinks it knows best and pairs you with a person who isn't worth a darn. But that's part of it's sick game. It enjoys watching you fight to survive and shivers in delight when it witnesses you fall apart. But it is truly never satisfied until you become an emotionless monster who cares about no one and only sees the darkness of the world.

To whom am I referring to? It goes by many names, each unique to everyone, but most of you only know it as love.

I call it the purest evil of them all....

You say it's pure, I say it's evil. You say you love, love. I say anyone whoever feels it should be locked up and the key forever forgotten. You say to be loved is to be blessed. And I say to be loved is to be served a death sentence.

Love is a disease that needs to be eliminated.

Love brings nothing but weakness, hatred, and death. My eyes were too once blind to it's talons and fangs, but I fought it to the death, my blood was shed, and my heart was stolen.

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