To Waltz With The Future

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Stella's P.O.V

It was like being jerked through time. One moment I was in hell, and the next, I was in a vast ballroom filled with people. All ranging in ages, races, and appearances. The women wore ballgowns, and the men wore suits.

The floor was marbled, and the walls were a shimmering white stone, I could nearly see my reflection in both. The ceiling was etched in pastel paintings of ancient creatures. Formed from solid crystal, hung a chandelier that shined brightly above the dance floor.

Blinking slowly, I glanced down upon my body and inhaled sharply at the sight of an arona blue dress covering my body within its descending silks. It was sleeveless, and a white fur shawl hung loosely over the nooks of my arms while it wrapped around my black. Through my reflection on the floor, I made out the dark shade of red that stained my lips and the cat-like make-up that framed my eyes. A thick pearl necklace hung from my neck, and the matching earrings slid against my neck with which movement of my head. My feet were hidden within a pair of plain black heels that each housed a white bow on the tops of the heels. And my hair was pulled back with a claw-clip. I was done up like a trophy wife.

I had no complaints.

Waiters seemed to float around the room with trays of wine, and I couldn't help but snag one as a waiter floated by. My age be damned in this dream, for I needed this drink more than an alcoholic did.

My nose scrunched up as I slipped the white wine, the taste was revolting, and I nearly spat it out. Coughing roughly into the back of my hand, I tossed the glass into a nearby fake plant and drifted further into the room.

As I brushed against people, no one even batted an eye at me, I was like a ghost simply haunting a room. No one glanced my way nor even questioned why a teenager was among them. I barely even batted an eye at their behavior, for I was used to being invisible in a room full of people.

I felt as if I was floating through the ballroom, my body felt weightless, and my emotions were dormant within me. It wasn't until I reached the lip of the dance floor that my body halted against my will.

The dance floor was large, and the surrounding crowd formed a circle around the twelve waltzing couples that currently consumed the marbled floor. My eyes nearly widened in shock as they danced in perfect harmony. Never once did any of the couples move out of unison.

Against my better judgment, yet to my curiosity's joy, I began to take in every couple.

The first couple consisted of a petit blenched blonde girl who wore a princess style gown in the shade of steeple grey. It was sleeveless, and the bodice hugged her waist like a second skin. The man whose arms were currently wrapped around her was tall and appeared older. His hair too was blonde, and his eyes a vibrant yet light green that reflected the chandelier's light. They moved as if she were a queen and he, her knight.

My eyes shifted over to another couple. Strangely enough, the woman wore a black veil that shielded both her face and hair from not only my view but everyone else's view as well. Nevertheless, she wore a simple dark blue dress that held two layers of tulle and seemed more fitted for a brunch than a ball. Unlike his female partner, the man who was currently lifting the veiled woman into the air, was free of any masks and his brown hair that was tainted with locks of red, was free for my eyes to roam upon.

Like a raven soaring past me, a pale raven-haired beauty smiled brightly as her and her partner waltzed by. She was clad in a mahogany red gown that was satin and adored with jewels. Her partner, a man much taller than her, held a rich tan to his skin, and he was a very handsome man, despite the scowl etched into his features.

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