Twenty-One: Olive

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Marriage is out the window; all women desire these days is power. The power to bring men to their very knees. I suppose, I desire power as well. But bringing men to their knees is of no use to me. No, the power I desire is to simply have the strength to walk through those hospital doors and face those who are depending on me.

If I was breathing, I could hardly feel it. And if I was alive, death seemed only a whisper away.

It was early in the evening and the sun was just settling behind the peaks, the air was sharp and frosty. My eyes glanced over the snow-covered grounds and a sigh heaved its way from my lungs.

Numb, that is what the last piece of my soul became when I handed one of my best- friends over to a wolf on a silver platter. It was only yesterday that arm-and-arm we sauntered through those restaurant doors and very well made a bargain with the devil.

A stray tear sild down my cheek as the memories of hugging Blanche one last time flowed into my mind on a wave of sorrow. She was not sad when we stood from the table along with Lawrence, she did not even show a hint of worry. No, she held her chin high and offered myself and Lawrence a kind smile.

He didn't deserve her, not even an ounce of her.

She had held my hand tightly as Lawrence paid the bill and led us through the maze of the dinner hall. We slipped into the bubbling with life kitchen, the air was humid and nearly scorched my face as we mazed around the chefs and hustling waiters.

Blanche continued to drag me with her as she followed Lawrence who seemed pleased to remain silent as he escorted us on this perplexing path.

It was only when we slipped through yet another door that the dim sunlight greeted us. We appeared in a side ally that was littered with garbage and dumpsters. Even a few stray cats darted away from the sound of the door slamming into the brick wall.

Lawrence had scanned the ally before nodding his head while emerging from the restaurant, we followed suit and awaiting us in the ally was a black car. The windows were tinted to such a dark shade that not even the silhouette of the driver could be seen. The car's black coat was shiny as if it was just polished.

Clicking his tongue, Lawrence roughly seized Blanche's wrist and thrusted her toward the car, "I'm on a tight schedule, I don't have time for foolish things."

My eyes had narrowed, and my hands curled as they itched to connect with his sharp jaw, "And saying goodbye to her best-friend is a foolish thing?" I'd barely kept the animosity from my tone.

His cold eyes met my heated ones, and he only offered me a twisted smirk, "Precisely."

My skin had bristled, and I'd nearly began leaping for him if Blanche had not stepped in, turning her body towards him; she softly asked, "I'm going to spend the rest of my life with you...spare me just a moment with her, please."

He had not liked her questioning him; I could see it in the way his brows knitted together but granted her this pleading wish as he released her wrist and backed away until he was leaning against the end of the car.

He may have granted her freedom, but he apparently was not going to gift her privacy.


As if reading my thoughts, he flashed me a tight smile.

Blanche did not waste time and quickly pulled me into a bone crushing hug, she buried her face into my shoulder and even through the fabric of my dress, I could feel the wetness of her concealed tears.

"Thank you for making Seth happy, we knew, we all knew she wasn't in this world."

Her words, barely a whisper in the wind, froze the very blood within my veins. I hadn't even dared to speak of the truth about Cheyenna after that fateful night at the lake, I hadn't wanted to even think about it.

To Keep YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora