Four: Chaya

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As cold as ice, the blood within my body was frozen and like ice among a lake, my spine chilled as the loud growling echoed around the barn. My mind was racing for what was behind me? A wolf? Or perhaps a Lycan? For the growls were so loud that they were vibrating against the ground. Spinning slowly, I nearly laughed as my eyes were filled with the view of a small Jack Russell terrier. However, my amusement was short-lived for another threatening growl emits from within the small dog as if I were the reason he did not get to pee on the leg of the sofa.

Truly, how can something so small be so demon-like? But you know what they say, the smaller they are, the meaner they are...

"He doesn't like people." The strange man mumbled as he didn't even bother to turn and aid me in my frighten state. I mentally huffed for it seems chivalry is long gone from this tall and gruff mountain of a man, and in it's place is simply the attitude of a teenager who doesn't give a flying crap about anyone but himself.

Oh, what a self-absorbed hairy bear!

As if sensing my thoughts were no longer on himself, the canine growls and takes a threatening stride towards me with all his yellow and red stained teeth exposed. His brown and white spotty fur was standing up along his spine, and I knew he was preparing to pounce on me like a cat to a yarn bowl. Only he wasn't going to play with me like I was a toy, no, I would simply be his meal.

"Now who let you out of hell?" I mumbled while a deep and unsettling frown formed on my dry and cracked lips. The more I moved them, the more wetness I could feel dripping down my chin, like fresh rain. I wasn't dumb, I knew it was blood, but I didn't care and instead allowed the blood to flow down onto the flannel. I didn't even feel bad or sorry about it, because like the moody man said, they burned my clothes because they had blood on them, so hopefully this will be the push for the owner to get rid of this god-awful smelling shirt.

And to hopefully burn it...

"You know that's exactly what I said, when Joshua, Malachi, Tobias, and Enoch dragged you here in the middle of the night like a princess from a fairytale."

Shock pulled me from my thoughts as my eyes raced past the annoying dog and up to the figure of a man to whom leans against one of the barn doors. He was tall, like the other men here. However, he was at least a couple inches shorter than the grumpy man behind me. His light green eyes held amusement and mischief as he removed a lit cigarette from between his pouty lips and offered me a two-fingered wave. My eyes were drawn to the flame in which the cigarette held as it was tossed from side to side while it was sandwiched between his fingers. A thick cloud of smoke escaped from his mouth as he blew it out. I caught sight of his buzzed beard and taffy blonde hair that was messy and piled on top of his head.

If a person could be the living embodiment of trouble, then this man would surely be it...

"Who are you?" I demanded as I was getting off topic, I need to find my clothes and get the heck out of here before something bad happens.

If it hasn't already...

"Well, sweet cheeks, I'm Asher, and the moody giant behind you is my older brother, Joshua." A loud grunt sounds from behind me, and a gasp of shock escapes from deep within me as I spin around once more and nearly fall into the man to whom I first met in this barn. If I thought he was scary from behind, then I nearly pee myself as I am faced with his dark brown eyes. Charcoal black hair descends down his neck and pooled around his shoulders. His neck was thick, and his shoulders were broad. A medium length Viking beard shielded his mouth and cheeks from my view. It was in the same shade as his hair. Truth be told, he looked like he was a Viking from lost times who traveled through time. For even his face was littered with scars from long ago. The year unknown, but the scars never faded, and beneath the scarred skin lays a story waiting to be told.

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