Once Upon A Random Valentine's

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Chaya's P.O.V

Six years ago...

It felt strange to be sitting in a room filled with so many love-sicken couples. It didn't matter if they were puppy-eyed teenagers or an elderly couple who have been together since the dawn of time. They were all the same. They have been struck with one of Cupids arrows.

Shaking my head, I remind myself I am not sitting alone in this Italian restaurant to be jealous of the couples. No, I'm here on pure scientifical reasons. However, as I tapped the pencil against the yellow paper, I couldn't help but grow envious of those around me. It confused me, love that is. What was it like to be loved purely? To know that someone loves you for you, not for what you can give them. I've dealt with many boys in the system who just said the words I wanted to hear, just so they could steal my food, books, etc. I don't know true love, I know survival love, heck, even primal love. The love that simply exists to keep you alive, but to be loved just for the thrill of it, now, that is a side of love I've never had before.

Of course, I got the jest of it, from the countless books I've drowned in to pass time and in passing, I've seen it in movies packed with romance while I was keeping warm in a movie theater. It's always been at an arms distance away from me, but never in my grasps. Sure, I've had silly childish crushes but nothing as real and pure as love. As if the restaurant was not filled with enough sappy romance, a live band began to play a classic yet romantic instrumental song. One that gave the courage to many men to lead their female partners onto the wooden dance floor.

I rolled my eyes and quickly wrote down everything that was happening around me. In real life, this was sappy and nothing but an annoyance to me, but in a book, this is a scene that will make the readers fall in love and desire to be within the pages. In simple words, this scene will fill my pockets with money and stomach with warm food.

Something I haven't had in ages...

The faster my pen moved across the paper, the more envious I became, for what did these people do to deserve a normal life? How did they get to choose their lives of luxuries over a life of poverty? Truly, what made them so special in Gods eyes that He gave them the better life while I was left with such a rough one?

As my thoughts began to take off, my eyes dared to dance around the room once more desperate for more details, however as my eyes wildly bounced around the room, they caught sight of something mysterious standing by the bar.

A rather tall man stood leaning against the packed bar with a very bored and unpleased expression etched into his stunning face. His eyes were dark, and his hair was shaved down both sides. But by some strange way, he managed to have some longer hair down the center of his head. He was above average when it came to appearances. Even though he was clearly fit, he didn't look like the guy who spent countless hours in a gym or was zoned out on steroids. It simply looked like his life was rough, and therefore, his body had molded to survive it.

Oh, don't I know that better than anyone else...

The longer my eyes were captivated with him, the more mysterious he became. He looked so angry yet bored it amazed me how he could feel those two emotions at once. What was it like? Anger normally is so dominant that it demands the other emotions to submit and allow it to have free range over every ounce of control. But here this man was, it was so strange.

In a way I've never known before, I was drawn to this man as much as a moth is drawn to the flame of a fire. My breathing slowed and came out in short pants rather as my heart began to flutter to life, I was certain it was going to beat right out of my chest and onto the cream tablecloth.

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