Twenty-Four: Malachi

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The winter sky was filled with stars. They all glowed so brightly that I wondered if they were completing against one another as to who could shine the brightest. But those thoughts passed through my mind like a shooting stare as my eyes descended upon Candy's face. The glow of the stars and moon shined down upon her, and my breath was stolen from within my very lungs.

She laid upon the grass while staring up at the stars with anger briefly flickering in her mismatched eyes. They were such a lovely feature; she was truly the only woman I have ever laid eyes upon that I didn't dismiss within moments.

Kneeling beside her, I could not help but brush away the strands of hair that had fallen over her eyes. As expected, she filched away from me as if she was ice and I, fire to whom would burn her.

Sighing, I retracted my hand, "Are you hurt?" My eyes briefly scanned her body but with both her dress and sweater blocking most of my view, I could not see any wounds.

She blinked slowly before scrambling to her feet, she acted so hastily that she nearly knocked me off my feet.

"I'm fine." She bit out through gritted teeth.

She was such a stubborn woman; she would rather have her teeth pulled then admit she was hurting.

But with yet another sigh, I shook my head and stood, "This path leads through the pastor, it's a couple miles long and will consume our hour."

I was as giddy as a schoolboy about simply walking with her for an hour. I wanted more time, much more time, but I was forced to accept simply an hour for now. I prayed earnestly to God that someday I would not have to settle for just an hour of her time. I prayed I would soon be blessed with every moment of her life.

She nodded and wrapped her arms around her too-skinny waist. My eyes narrowed, I blamed myself whole-heartedly for her current malnourishment. Yes, she may as well have been skin and bones when I took her, but over the last two weeks she appeared to have lost three if not five pounds. I snuck her food whenever I could and did my hardest to keep Pa away from her. But when Pa is constantly watching every move I make, it is nearly impossible to sneak more than a biscuit or apple to her. The food I bought her should hopefully last her a week or two, but that is only if she rations it. My fists balled, for one way or another she will have to starve each day. I hated myself for putting her in this situation, but I could not allow such an angel to die before my eyes.

Blowing out a hot breath, my eyes took in her face and narrowed when I noticed a small cut on her cheek. It was small and barely bleeding but the sight caused great anguish to feel my soul, for I should've ignored her threats and just lifted her over the fence. But I was trying to prove to her that I'm not the man she thinks I am and so I foolishly watched her throw herself over the fence, and then stumble down the hill like a sack of potatoes.

My hand itched once more to reach forward but only this time to wipe anyway the drops of blood oozing from her cut. However, she beat me to it and roughly wiped the blood away with the back of her hand.

"Shall we?" I didn't dare offer her my arm as I desired to; for I knew she rebuke me as she has done countless times. With a shake of my head, I pushed myself into a slow stroll.

She fell into step beside me and only a fool would've missed the way she limped on her left leg. I made a mental note to cut our hour short tonight and simply do a short loop around the pastor instead of cutting across it to the other side.

"Are you and your brother close?" I inquired eager to learn as much about her as I could.

"No." Her words were flat; yet with a rough edge sharp enough to cut.

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