If Ai Had Survived (Happy Ending)

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Was it really okay to say "I love you" even if it wasn't real?

Her story began in the confines of a foster home, a place meant to be temporary after her mother's arrest for theft. But as days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, the promised return of her mother remained unfulfilled. Ai's world was a stark, loveless void. She had no recollection of love, no memory of what it meant to be loved. For her, the concept of love was an unfamiliar enigma.

And so, she took a leap into the dazzling world of idols, hoping to find the missing piece of her life's puzzle. Perhaps, she thought, if she whispered "I love you" to her adoring fans enough times, those words would manifest into a reality she desperately yearned for. But behind the radiant facade she presented to the world, she concealed her true self, her emotions, and the lingering pain of abandonment by the very person who should have been her protector.

Her life as an idol was a complex tapestry of smiles and stage performances. She bore the weight of her secrets beneath a practiced smile, never letting her true emotions surface. She had to learn the art of hiding, of concealing the truth about her past, and of forgetting that she had been forsaken by the one who should have loved her unconditionally.

All these sacrifices, all this hiding, all this pretense—it was all in the name of understanding love.

Then came the miraculous turn of events—the birth of her twins, Aqua and Ruby. The arrival of these two tiny souls was nothing short of a miracle. They transformed her world, injecting it with newfound purpose and motivation. But their presence came with a steep price. Ichigo, a confidant, warned her that if the world discovered her secret, her career would crumble.

Yet Ai was determined to have it all. She believed that in the eyes of her children, she could find the love she had yearned for. They would become her teachers, guiding her towards the elusive truth about love.

As Aqua and Ruby, at just four years old, displayed an astonishing intellect, Ai couldn't help but wonder where they inherited their wisdom. The origin of their brilliance remained a mystery, a puzzle she couldn't quite solve. But for now, she cherished their presence, wrapping them in a warm, loving embrace.

"You are both so cute," she whispered, her adoration for her children shining through her every word. Their innocent hearts held the key to a form of love she was only beginning to comprehend.

And as the day progressed, with her concert on the horizon, Ai's heart swelled with both excitement and curiosity. The journey to understand love was far from over, but with Aqua and Ruby by her side, she was ready to face it head-on.

The day of the stadium concert dawned with Ai's excitement radiating through her phone screen. She couldn't contain her joy as she shared her anticipation with her fans:

"I'm so excited about today's stadium concert~~"

But her euphoria was short-lived. A sudden, unexpected ring of the doorbell shattered the atmosphere, pulling her attention away from her digital world.

"Could that be the president?" she wondered aloud, a hint of unease creeping into her voice.

With a resolute "coming!" she approached the door, Aqua, her ever-watchful son, trailing closely behind. Something about this moment felt off, like a discordant note in an otherwise harmonious melody.

As the door swung open, a mysterious man stood there, holding a bouquet of white roses. His presence sent shivers down Aqua's spine, and in that instant, he recognized the face that had haunted his nightmares—a man who had pushed him to his death in a previous life.

"No way," Aqua's thoughts raced as he watched the stranger, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Congrats on your dome concert," the man's words dripped with malevolence, his facade of civility hiding sinister intentions.

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